"those are trashcans." rap monster responded.

"oh." she mouthed.

"let's just go to the top floor of the parking lot, kill some bitches, then sleep up there. it's night right now, so it'll be hard to do anything anyway." taehwa said.

"okay," jin said making a rear turn to the huge parking lot at the side.

"i hAD A NIGHTMARE." dasom yelled while opening her eyes. jungkook was already staring at her, pretending he wasn't.

"about what?" jhope asked. jimin, yanji, and v also slowly woke up.

"mkay. so it was where i was all alone, nobody with me, and zombies all around. and yeah that was it." she said, hands flopping all over the place.

"dEAR LORD THAT IS SCARY." sooseok yelled.

"are we at the top parking lot yet?" taehwa asked, getting impatient.

"almost. there's some zombies at this floor so wouldn't they just follow us up?" jin answered with a question.


"tIME FOR KILL!" minji yelled, hopping out the window.

"you could've went through the door.." yanji yelled.

"some of you peeps stay in the bus and watch over it, we got some snazzy shit in the back." sooseok said to the boys while getting off the bus, the rest of the girls following.

rap monster, jin, and jhope decided to stay in the bus.

"can i have the gun?? please?!" dasom pleaded as she saw sooseok holding the gun. 

"sure," sooseok said. they traded weapons and began to fight. pointy stick for a gun.

dasom was having fun while shooting dead peeps from far. minji, as usual, was laughing in joy while stabbing bitches. yanji was..

"why the fuck did that bitch have to kick me?" she asked herself.

"i don't know," jungkook responded since he was right next to her.

"l-look at this," she said, showing him how she kills. "i have to kill while limping? can you believe that? disgusting." she said with much hate.

"uh, okay." jungkook said.

sooseok was staring at the zombies, emotionless, waiting for them to come closer. then as they finally came, she jabbed it's neck. taehwa was

"why do i use a sTICK TO KILL? we need to find some knives, guns...more guns." she said, stab after stab.

"this floor is clear. to the next." sooseok said, everyone re-boarding the bus.

jin drove onto the next floor to see no zombies.

"that ain't right? there's really none on this floor?" yanji asked.

"guess so. nEXT floor." sooseok said, jin obeying.

the next floor did have zombies.

-ˏˋ  !!!  ˎˊ-


"i stab. i stab. i stab. i st--ooh, i kick then stab." - dasom



"did you just fucking growl at me? hAHAHA--STAB FOR YOU." - yanji

"why are they so loud??" - v

"we should be more like that." - jimin

"i think there is something wrong with them." - jungkook

"no, i think they're just too used to this." - jimin


more & more & more & more killing and finally

"yay! we made it." yanji cutely said.

"wait there's some zombies on this floor." jin observed.

"YAY MORE KILLING!!" minji hollered as she again hopped off the bus, through the window, the rest of the girls joining. also the maknae line.

-ˏˋ  !!!  ˎˊ-

"woah, i almost stabbed so hard the stick almost got stuck in it's head." - jungkook said with amazement.

"gross." - jimin commented.

"i love you. no, i love you. no!.." - v acted.

"sexy, can you be my saesaeksi?" - minji quoted, again from eureka by zico.

sooseok was happily dancing, then stabbing.

dasom was running up to zombies and pushing them off the roof since they are on the highest floor.

"ya bitch, vant to go?" yanji said with some italian, fist out, ready to fight.

taehwa was just stabbing in the head.


- DL .

next chapter → dog

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