Chapter 26 This Is How I Disappear

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Whoo another chapter *sniffs* Its been 3 years now since my number 1 band broke up T-T I've been crying all day while watching their videos.So in honor of this day im wearing all of the My Chem merch I have including my Fun Ghoul jacket and singing to their songs. Thanks to them im here ^_^ Thanks you MCR for everything!! 

Gerard's pov

"Its so boring without Emily here." Ray's the first to talk while we all nodded our heads,I look over to Frank who is laying on the couch covered in blankets with his hoodie up,covering his eyes like always.I look at Bob is is almost asleep and Mikey and Ray are just depressed. "Come on guys cheer up.Maybe she'll come anytime soon and visit us at collage."

I grabbed my drawing book along with a few markers and sat down next to Bob as I began to draw a few designs to make some band merch. "I miss Emily." I looked up and saw Frank almost crying.Ih man this always happens to me whenever these guys have girlfriends.

"How about we play a few more songs to cheer you up? Here's Pansy come on play some tunes for us." I said walking over to him with the guitar in hands "No i don't want to." I turn to look at Ray and Mikey who are surprised that Frank doesn't want to play his guitar. "Umm...Remember that one time when the teacher accused you of stealing his wallet and you showed him the finger?!" 

"O-oh yeah! Also when we all escaped detention and ran around school like the idiots we are!" Ray got the message. "And when we played songs until midnight and the neighbors were pissed." Mikey joined in and we began to finally to talk cause this was getting awkward. "Also when we gave those jocks a lesson and kicked their asses."

"Yeah I do remember." "Do you remember when you and Emily pranked the science teacher and she almost expelled you both." I say laughing. "Don't worry Frank im sure Emily will be back before you know it." Bob finally said once he woke up. I'll try and ask the guys to help me with Frank cause when he's depressed he's acts all emo and it just depresses all of us,yeah I don't need that again. I wrote another song and we all began to practice it.


"In a few days we'll be going on a small gig.How awesome is that?" We all began to load the instruments and our belongings into my car.Since we'll be heading to collage we all decided to live together in an apartment nearby it isn't that far away from Belleville so we'll be okay. We left our things inside the apartment and headed our way to the music shop.

We all got a job there which is small store but many people come around and buy some cd's or vinyls besides its also a comic store so we can get pretty distracted by them too.Besides we all need the money for the apartment cause classes start in two days."Hey Frank can you place these on the top shelf?" I ask him while handing him a few comic books.

"Alright." I watched him walk over to where Bob was and smirked "Hope you can reach it!" I laugh and he quickly shot me a glare "Its not my fault im not a giraffe like all of you guys." I heard the door open and I saw who it was "Frankie!!" Fuck not this again! I saw the girl run up to Frank and she started hugging him.

"Hey no hugging Frank! Back off." I rolled a newspaper and held it up to hit her head.It feels so good to be the one who bosses people around,since im friends with the owner he lets me.That bitch will pay if she lays another hand on him or does anything I know she has liked Frank for a while well since Emily left.

"Oh hey Emily." He awkwardly pats her shoulder and walks behind the counter where I am.I see the guys glancing over at us.She smiles and starts walking towards the two of us while twirlung her light brown hair."Gerard." "Clara." I grit my teeth and continue conpunting the money. "Hey Frank wanna go to the new restaurant with me?" 

Frank looks over to me and I shake my head "No thanks,Im working besides I have a girlfriend." "Well I dont see her" She smirks.Oh that annoying smirk of hers luckily she didnt get into collage with us so we'll be safe there. "Hey I love this song,its um Queen right?" She giggles and sits on the counter as she slowly lifted her skirt up.Oh god why do you always torture me.

"Its Metallica." I correct her not even daring to meet her eyes."Hey I see you finally got a haircut." She starts reaching towards Frank so I grabbed the rolled paper and smacked her hand away."You should also get a haircut." She glares at me as she ruffles my long hair and I shoo her away.

"Come on Frankie can't we please go and have lunch." 

"No way."

Frank hides behind me and started to pile up a few things.Mikey walks uo to me and hands me a stack of cd's,while Bob is teaching a kid how to play drums."Do you even like Bowie?" I glanced iver to see her shirt which is a David Bowie one."Yeah he's awesome." "Oh yeah? Name one song?" 

"One somg?"

"Yeah to ahead girly." 

"Umm theres one he did about Jupiter." 

Frank and I facepalmed and I tried not to yell at her "Its called Life In Mars...dumbass." I muble the last part and went over to give the customer his money. "Frank come here." "No way!" Next thing I know is that Frank is running around the store trying to get away from Clara.While I was cwrrying a stack of Vinyls.Frank pushed me making me fall to the ground and I watched him lock himself in the storage room.

"She is so rude." Mikey came over and helped me.

"I don't think thats the right word to describe her Mikes.."

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