Chapter 11 Fights

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The teacher has passed out in class due to his drinking problem and since this is a public school no one was giving a shit *sighs* i cant believe that my life is so messed up i felt someone poke my shoulder its was Mikey "Hey Mikey.Whats up?" Mikey leaned closer and whispered "Can you check what Gerard the hallways to see if he's coming" 

"Alright." I got up from the seat and exited the class that was full of kids shouting and making a complete mess "Gerard where are you." I scanned down the hallway and their was not sight of good old Gerard.Thats until someone grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

I was about to punch whoever grabbed me and only saw that it is Gerard i sighed in relief and spoke,"Gerard you scared the crap outta me." "Shhh im hiding." He peaked his head out to check the hall "Why? What did you even do?"

"I kinda threw my food on a guy's face." "Which is your bully? Damnit Gerard your so dead!" He covered my mouth and heard the guy calling out to Gerard to come out.The footsteps faded and we relaxed "Alright Gerard let head inside the class so he doesnt see you." 

I held his wrist and walked him to class and the class was worst someone wrote on the board something you dont wanna see and the stupid guys were throwing paper around and the group of stupid cheerleaders were singing to that dumb taylor swift.

I looked to the back of the class where my seat is and saw Ray playing on his gameboy,Frank was asleep and Mikey was just scanning the class and gave a small smile once he saw his brother "Hi Mikes." Gerard smiled at his younger brother and sat in front of him "Why were you late?" Gerard began to tell him what happened and i covered my ears..

I grabbed my phone and put on Misfits and was in full volume but it didnt work "And my daddy said stay away from Juliet!" These girls cant even sing their so off "Fuck." I look over to see Frank glaring at them "Shut the fuck up!" Gerard hit Frank's head "You better shut up of you want us to live." 

"Why dont we just get out of here?" Ray finally spoke "You mean like escape class?" Mikey asked "Awesome!" Frank yelled all excited "So what do you say?" The boys looked at me and i knew i had no choice "What the hell its not like im doing anything." I smiled and followed them outside.

"Alright.Why dont we go outside-" "Well well look who we have here." All of us turn to look back and we saw five others guys and a girl "Valerie." I say bitterly and glare at her.Valerie and I dont get along at all cause she poured milk on me a few days ago and gum on my hair so now i have shorter hair anks to her.

"Oh damn there he is." Gerard also cursed and they brought mallets "Fuck look they brought those things." Bob say "Wait this school practices croquet?" I didnt know that "Oh Emily look w got here." Valerie held a baseball bat "We are so fucked."


"All of you have detention and you five are suspended from school for two weeks." "Thats not fair." That stupid girl said to the principal to them i smirked and shot her a smile "And you five i'll let you kids not come to school tomorrow so you get better.Now off you go." 

The five of us had blood coming from our nose or mouth "That was fun." Frank said and we all shot him a glare "Im going home,see you guys later." Mikey said and left home walking really slow "Hey wanna head to my house?" Gerard looked at us all "Sure." "Mikey wait!!" Gerard shouted and we began to follow him

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