"I got one!" I laughed at the memory flashing trough my mind. "In 6th grade Jay had this massive and I mean ginormous crush on Sydney Bolly." I erupted into laughter, they all looked at each other like they thought that was the end, but nope there was more.

"One day on the playground he was going to ask her out ok. And so he walked up to her and...... And just stood there. The-" I cut my self off and abruptly stopped laughing because of the next part of the memory. I shook it off and continued but I spoke quieter.

"Then, J-Jess-i-c-ca." I took a deep breath and then continued with a small smile.

"Then Jessica slapped you and told you to just ask her already, and that the world couldn't wait another damn minute," I smiled a small smile and remembered how gorgeous she was. She had long stick straight hair, green eyes, light freckles, a round perfect face, she was tall, and just all around perfect.

Now it was Tammy's turn. The sitting arrangement went me at the front of my bed, Ezra on my right, Tammy on my left, next to Tammy was Jackson, then Cole, then Allison, then Jay who was next to Ezra. Tammy cleared her throat to begin.

"In 4th grade, it was Jess, Elizah, and I. We were all sitting at one of the at picnic tables, we would sit out there all of recess and as bad as it sounds we would judge people. Based off what we knew about them and what they looked like."

"One day we were all sitting there talking as usual when Jess stopped in mid-sentence and suddenly had a look of shock and complete rage, I'd never see her that angry before and it scared me. She got up and stormed off and went in the direction of 5 kids. There was a big one a tiny one and three others that were with the big guy. Jess stood in front of the tiny guy and started to yell at the big guy. She wasn't scared at all. And he looked scary as hell, well for our age then, he said something while pointing to the tiny guy and started to laugh. I remember walking over with Eli here and seeing and hearing everything that was going on. Jess said 'leave him alone' then the big kid said 'or what' I said 'ooooh buddy you better run' he laughed again and Jess lunged at him full force and tackled him to the ground and then he got up and ran away with Jess right be hind him. She chased him all the way around the playground, they got back to us and she managed to punch him square in the gut. And said 'don't mess with him ever again. Do you understand?' She said it in her scary authority voice. He just nodded and walked away with his friends trailing behind. We became really close friends with the tiny kid. He turned out to be really fun, and the big kid was his brother. The tiny kid-"

"Ok stop we all know it was me," Ezra interrupted. We laughed. I remember that day very clearly. I thought talking about her would help me feel lighter and more free like finally letting her go.

Tears pricked my eyes as I looked at my folded hands. I miss her so much! My mind wailed. I started to shake slightly, then I shook myself getting rid of the feeling and went back to reality.

"Then she walked straight into the door!" We all bursted to fits of laughter, I did too even though I didn't know what was going on. Now it's Cole's turn.

"Remember when I first came here and us boys scared the living hell out of Eli she screamed and tried to run away but ran into the door and then tripped on the stairs, yeah I don't have many memories with you guys." He said awkwardly.

"Aww baby it's okeey we'll make a lot more with you. You know since you guys decided to stay here, where I am." Jackson said smiling causing Cole to smile as well. They were so cute. I had the sudden urge to draw this moment so I took a moment to study everyone very closely before hopping off my bed and running over to my art closet and digging out my note pad and pencils. I ran back over and sat down behind my easel and angled it so I could see them. It was perfect. With the lighting and everything was just perfect. I drew what I could from memory and then had to do some details by looking at them. They all looked confused but didn't question.

"Finished!" I announced. I walked over to my bed and climbed into Ezra's lap and showed him the picture first. He kissed my cheek.

"Baby this is perfect." He kissed my cheek again and then passed the picture to Jay who showed it to everyone else.

I missed graduation, but I got my diploma still. Now it was summer and I was not going to let anything stop me from having the time of my life and be as happy as I possibly can.

"Everyone we have guests!" My mom shouted. Everyone got off my bed and headed down stairs. I waited in my room for a minute, I had a really bad feeling. It felt like something really bad was going to happen.

I'm going to update again tonight. And these next few chapters will be the last. I might start a sequel maybe.

Not Edited


Broken (Not Vry Good Rd At Own Rsk)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن