Authors note

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Hello! I am sorry but this is not a chapter!

I would like to give special thanks to some people

wolfproduction as Sarah!!
BekahCox2300 ask Bek!!
jjmcnamara as Jesse!!
SlayerCentral as Demon Slayer!!
GracieAfflerbaugh as Gracie!!

I know all of these people in real life!

Well not Demon... I know him as an Internet friend.

I would like to thank all of you because you where interest in my book! And wanted to be apart of it! It means so much!

Also I would like to thank anyone who has been reading this far. I don't have the best introduction to my book but it gets better... And I AM getting better each chapter. If you feel I need improvements in any way please tell me. JUST THANK YOU!!!

(=^•^=) )~~   

Have a nice day!!!

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