'Hanging' from a thread

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I awake in a cage.. much like the first one I was in. The light from above blinds me, and I hold up my hand to cover my eyes. My ears twitch, and I can hear chanting all around me. "Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"

 I look around to find the source of the chanting. Am I-- Am I in a parade?  The cage is moving forward and people are lined up along the path we where going. I stand up. M-My legs.. They are better!? I go forward to where the driver is, and look ahead. I see another cage, with Sarah in it. She must be still asleep, because she was laying on the floor. I turn around and look behind me. Bek.. Shes awake, sitting in chriss-cross. She faced opposite of me.

"BEK!" I shout over the top of the chants. "Sacrifice! Sacrifice!Sacrifice!" She looks around to see me. She stands up and grips the bars facing me. "TOMMY!" She shouts. It was then I noticed she was crying.  My heart sinks. Was this it?  I sit down in the cage. A lump forms in my throat, and tears role down my face. Bek sees this, and sits down too. She reaches for me threw the bars. I reach back to her, making me cry even more. I am a silent crier. Some people cry loud, to let every one know. others cry quietly, so know one knows.

But now everyone can see me. Some laugh. Some point. 

My head starts throbbing, so I close my eyes. 

Minutes go by, and I start to hear yelling. I wip my head around to see Sarah screaming at the chanting people. I grip the bars in ahead of me. "Sarah!" I yell. My voice was weak, and It cracked. She turns to me, with surprise. "TOMMY! WHATS THE PLAN!?" She asks eagerly, as she grips the bars. I look away from her, un-able to answer. "Tommy..." She musters out. I look at her again. "We might not be able to get out of this one..." I say. All my hope had drained out of me. I look down, and sink to the bottom of the cage again. Sarah sinks down with me. I start crying again.


We made it to the center of The Forbidden City. People surround the area. In the center, there is a stage.. or platform thingy... With three nooses, connected to large wooden polls. I gulp on the inside, and adrenaline explodes in in me. I'M NOT READY TO DIE!

The cages stop, and the horse men open the cage doors. The hold swords, so we don't attack. They tie our hands, and I think! There may be a chance. I try using my tail to un-tie myself, but the guy handling me quickly catches me, and threatens to cut it off if I try again. He grabs my arms, and walks me up to the stage thingy and puts one of the nooses around my neck. I can see out of the corner of my eye, they have done the same to Bek, and Sarah.I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. My vision gets blurry, and my hands sweat. The blood drains from my face. Now I have felt this three times in my life.

Suddenly I feel a hand fall on my shoulder. Its Chad.. That mother fucker...  He is holding a microphone in his hand with a huge smile.  He leaves my side and walks to the front of the stage.The thousands of people seem to love him. They cheer, and hold up sines,  saying stuff like, "KILL THEM CHAD!" and "DO IT FOR THE CITY!"  

He pulls the mic up to his face. "Hello! my sweet people!" His voice was all chirpy. "TODAY! Is the day, that we make the huge sacrifice! Three young women, who do not live in the city!" He walks back over to me. "ONE! goes by the name of Tommy! Quite an odd name for a girl, don't you think?" People in the crowd laugh. So now he is going to make fun of us before we die.. great..

"The next one goes by the name of Rebekah! but she likes to be called Bek! quite a STUPID name don't you think?" More people in the crowd laugh.

He then walks over to Sarah. "Oh.. and this one.." Sarah's eyes where redder then I have ever seen them...  "This one had a temper! a BAD one!" He grins at her. Sarah's eyes seem to glow even more. She spits in his face. He flinches, but then chuckles. He wipes of his glasses, and wipes the saliva back on Sarah... We are still wearing the god damn fucking dresses I wish I could fucking burn!

Chad goes back to the front of the stage. "Today we will hang them! than out city will live another thousand years!" The crowd cheers. he walks over to a lever."Hear we go!" he shouts. He pulls, the lever and I close my eyes.

Realizing I did not fall.. and I am not choking, I open my eyes. Chad clears his throat. "Let me try that again!" He says into the mic. Chad pulls the lever back, and switches it again. 


He does it three more times


The dome that surrounds the city starts flickering, and screams emerge threw the crowd. "What--?" Chad say, and drops the mic, creating a loud thump. suddenly everything goes dark. did someone turn off the lights? I look around, trying to find SOME sort of light.


I stand still for a while. I hear footsteps and screams. 

Suddenly I feel someones hands grab mine, and starts un-tieng me, making me gasp. When my hands are free, the person puts something in my hands. "Put this on your arm." the person tells me. his voice was supper deep. So deep.. he could not be human..

I feel the thing in my hands. Its.. a bracelet?

I put it on, and it starts growing around my arm. I scream, and fall backwards, and it fully encases my body. 

Now... Now I can see? I lift my hand, and I see.. Am I in a suet?  I felt like Iron Man..

I look around and see three other people in suets looking at me. I can see the faces of two of them. Sarah, and Bek. Sarah rushes over and help me up."C'mon!" she say.  I can hear her threw a speaker in my sute. I nod, and we fallow behind the one of which we cannot see the face of.

Who is that person?


Authors note

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I made it extra long! XD

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