The City

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  "This is my city!" Chad exclaims. "The Forbidden city!"  

We look at each other. "What?" Bek asks in a confused tone. Chad chuckles. "Let me explain my dear child!" Chad exclaims in a happy voice. "My city! It was build thousands of years ago! My ancestors ruled this place! But every thousand years there needs to be a sacrifice! Three young girls must be publicly hung in the center of the city! If I do not do this, my city will collapse!"

"YOU BASTARD!" Sarah yells. She starts running at him about to attack, but the armor stands came to life! and lifted her off the ground. "SARAH!" I yell. I struggle to stand up, and try to run at Chad, but I fall to the ground. Bek runs at Chad but the other armor stand grabs her. "BEK!" I scream. "NO!"

Chad chuckles again. "I hope you have enjoyed your LAST meal, the execution will be held in one hour!" he exclaims. He walks up to me with something in his hand. A NEEDLE! NO! I struggle to get up, but my legs are too weak! He jabs my neck with the needle. I can hear Bek, and Sarah screaming. Before everything goes dark, I hear Chad say something.

"Heh... what a shame! you where my favorite one too!"

Then everything fades to black.


"Hello?" I hear a voice say. ITS BEK! "BEK!?" I shout. "TOMMY!?" She yells back. Its happening again.. I forgot we could now talk to each other while unconscious.  "W-We can talk to each other while asleep.. for some reason.." I explain. Bek scoffs. "You think I have not noticed?" She says sarcastically. "Uhhh... Hello?" we hear another voice. "Hey Sarah.. " I say to her. "Wait.. This again? We can talk to each other in our sleep..?"  Sarah says in a confused tone. "I guess so.. But one of us might just be dreaming.." I say sadly. 

"Well if we are," Sarah starts. "Then need to ask each other about it when we wake up."  

I sigh. "I don't think there is a way out of this one guys.." I say. I feel sick to my stomach.. Are we really gonna die? 

"I--- I don't feel right.." Bek says. Then I feel it. "WE ARE FUCKING WAKING UP! DAMN IT!" Sarah yells. "Th-this might be the last time we talk... Just know something... You are the best things that have ever happened to me. I don't know what I would do without you guys.."I say. Bek try to say something, but before she could Finnish we wake up.


Authors note

Sorry the chapter was so short! I promises another chapter will come out later today! Thank you so much for reading this far!

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