Chapter 8

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~~Purity's POV~~

I crouched over his body. The tears streamed down my cheeks. Blood covered his body, his throat was torn out before he even had a chance to shift.

A sob ripped through my chest and I felt Cullen's strong arms pull me to him. Cullen was crying too.

"Aaron's dead..." I whispered as the reality set in. He had my pack's scent on him. My father did this.

"You have no idea how horrible I feel. We were best friend's until recently. I got so angry at him... I let it get in the way." Cullen murmured. This was Cullen's vulnerable side.

"Its all my fault. If it wasn't for me, Aaron wouldn't be dead, you and him would still be friends. Now I can't stop thinking of Aaron's mate, she'll never find her mate. Because of me." A new batch of tears overflowed. Cullen gave me a gentle squeeze.

"None of this is your fault." He said softly. I bit my lip to try to stop crying, to be strong.

"The pack will be devastated. You'll need a new Beta. I'm so sorry." I turned in his arms and I looked up at his face. If I were human, I wouldn't be able to see his face since it was so dark outside. I wish I were human. It hurt me to see the devastation on his face, it looked like he was falling apart. I never seen him so emotional.

I hugged him and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek.


The pack was crowded around, we were burying Aaron. I felt everybody's eyes on me. I kept my eyes to the ground, refusing to see their stricken faces, some looked at me with accusing gazes. I hated those, it made me feel worse.

Cullen had his arm around my waist, Aaron's mother, father, and little sister said a few words. Then Cullen said a few things.

Everyone dispersed and it left only Cullen and I.

We walked back to the house in silence, I had no idea what to say to him.


I hadn't said anything to Cullen, but he keeps trying to reassure me that none of this was my fault.

"Purity, please, say something." He pleaded.

I looked at him, he seemed so sad.

Comfort him. My wolf advised.

I took his hand in mine and stared down at my tiny hand encased by his large one.

I felt safety with him near.

"They won't stop. The attacks. My father doesn't give up until he gets what he wants." I whispered.

"We'll go to war then." Cullen said as if it was obvious.

"Oh and get killed?" I raised my voice slightly. "Your pack may be the largest but my old pack isn't far behind you."

He sighed. "I know Purity. But we have to have some hope."

I gave a dark laugh, "Yeah hope." I spat the word out.

Cullen gave another sigh, "I'm tired, lets go to bed." He suggested. We walked up the stairs and into our bedroom. We both lay, facing opposite of each other. Sleep didn't come until at least 3:00 in the morning. I knew Cullen didn't get much sleep either.

*Author's Note* Hey guys, sorry its short and all but I have a cold. My throat hurts, I have a headache, and a stopped up nose. Your lucky I love you guys enough to even update. :P Sorry to those of you who hate that I killed Aaron off. But it had to happen, lol. Send all the hate mail you want but Aaron is gone... *sniffle, sniffle* He will be missed.

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