Chapter 7

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~~Purity's POV~~

I was still angry with Cullen about yesterday.

I walked down the stairs, trying to act like nothing was wrong.

"I thought about what you said yesterday and decided that your right. I'm gonna go make some new friends." I tried to act sheepish. He was in the kitchen, fixing some food. My wolf howled, hating that she was lying to her Mate.

I noticed his body go rigid, he turned to face me slowly. I saw his eyes go down my body then back to my eyes and he looked like he was trying to see if I was hiding something. I must have passed his little 'test' because he smirked and turned back to cooking. "That little grudge of yours didn't take as long as I thought it would." He sounded smudge. I gritted my teeth to keep from saying something I might regret later.

I hesitantly sat at the round table, hoping he made enough for me.

After awhile, he turned back around to face me. His eyes seemed worried, "Is there anything wrong?" He asks.

I shake my head, confused at why'd he asked. "No, why?"

He shrugs, "You didn't smart off when I basically called you out just then and you keep twisting your fingers together." He points out. Twisting my fingers was something I did when I was lying, I was actually pretty surprised when he had noticed all of that.

"I'm fine." I didn't mean for my voice to sound so snappy but that's the way it came out.

He continued cooking until I smelled something burning. I peeked over his shoulder and saw the pancakes he attempted to make were starting to burn. I got up, cooking was my area of expertise.

I nudged his body and he obliged and slid over for me to take control. I flipped them and put them on a plate with just the right amount of syrup and set the plate in front of him and took mine.

"Uh, thanks." He nodded. It sounded like he wasn't used to giving out thanks like that and I felt myself bubble with happiness.

No, your still mad at him. Remember? I growled to myself.

Nevertheless, I ate my pancakes in a few bites and put my plate in the sink. The kitchen was nice, the walls were a grey color that felt cozy. A nice fridge, stove, and dishwater sat along one wall, marbled counters ran along the other two walls.

"Bye." I gave a short wave and he mimicked mine.

I headed toward the training area and saw a small group of male werewolves chatting amongst themselves. I usually didn't throw myself into conversations but right now, I was feeling bored and reckless.

"Hi! I'm Purity." I tried giving them a small smile.

They immediately responded with charming smiles. One werewolf had blonde hair that reached his eyebrows, his green eyes gazed at me with interest. "I'm Derek." He introduced. He pointed to a younger looking werewolf with dark brown hair in a buzz cut. "That's Mike." Then he pointed to a black haired werewolf, "And that is Andrew but you can just call him Drew."

I nodded, trying to match faces with names.

"You guys know where an fun spot to hang out is? I'm really bored." I put emphasis into 'bored'.

Derek's smile widened and without hesitation he blurted, "The lake. Not far from here."

"What are we waiting on? Let's go!" I felt excitement, I didn't know there was a lake near here. My wolf was growling though. Cullen is not going to like this. These are immature werewolves where hanging out with and your flirting with them! She was furious.

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