Ch. 1: The New Girl

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"What's on your mind?" Normani asked, taking a bite from her sandwich.

"I have work tonight and no ride home," Camila sighed, pushing her salad away.

"How long are you going to be on this dumb diet for?" Dinah rolled her eyes, passing Camila a piece of bread.

"Until I'm happy with my body," Camila responded, pushing Dinah's hand away.

"I don't mean to interrupt," Liam paused, "but have you guys seen the new girl?" The brunette boy sat down next to Camila.

"No one cares Liam," Dinah answered.

"I care, she's totally badass and hot," Liam gushed, staring behind Dinah.

"Is that her?" Normani asked, with her head turned.

"Yeah that's her," Liam mumbled, looking like a lost puppy.

"Who?" Camila looked up, her eyes stopped on the raven haired girl who flipped her hair back. She wore dark red lipstick and a bomber jacket. Her sunglasses were pushed up, resting on her head and seeming to keep her hair up.

"Woah," Dinah spoke for Camila, the Polynesian felt threatened.

Camila looked away and examined her surroundings, she noticed everyone looking at the new girl.

"She's hot, but scary," Normani stated, she looked back at Liam who was gushing over the new girl.

"Calm down Liam, you're too much of a good boy for her," the Polynesian across the table laughed.

"You know what they say, every good person needs a bad person to ruin them," Camila mumbled, looking up at the girl.

She sat down at a table alone and pulled out her phone.

Camila took the opportunity to eye the girl. She took in her beautiful features. But the more she stared, the more she felt attracted to the girl.

The brunette jumped in her seat when the raven haired new girl looked up, her eyes connected with Camila's.

They were piercing green.

Camila cupped her neck and rubbed it nervously as she looked back at the girl.

Their eyes stayed connected for what felt like forever.

Camila wanted the new girl to look away first, but she clearly wasn't shy. She stared across the cafeteria with no shame and no expression.

'What is she thinking?' Camila thought.

The raven haired girl furrowed her eyebrows and continued to stare at Camila.

Camila smiled, causing the new girl to press her lips together and finally look back down at her phone.

"She's intriguing," Camila said out loud, causing Liam to immediately look at her.

"That's what makes her fucking hot, imagine banging that!" Liam exclaimed, looking at the new girl.

"Listen losers, the bell is going to ring, let's go," Dinah got up, picking up her bag. Normani mimicked the girl's actions.

Liam got up and Camila followed, her bag already over her shoulder.

When Dinah and Normani began to walk in the new girl's direction, Camila realized that the exit was behind her.

She followed behind her friends, when she passed by the new girl she looked at her.

To her surprise the new girl looked back but this time she looked away quickly, as if she was occupied with too many thoughts.

"Strange," Camila mumbled.


Camila waited patiently in Spanish, she played with her pencil and looked ahead at the blackboard.

"Is the teacher ever going to show up?" Liam turned and asked, noticing Camila in deep thought.

"I don't know Liam, let me just call her," Camila responded sarcastically.

"No need to be ru-," Liam paused and widened his eyes, "woah."

His eyes trailed down to a seat at the front of the class. Camila looked over and saw the new girl sit down.

"This is my lucky day," Liam exclaimed, he kept his eyes locked ahead at the raven haired girl.

Camila stared too, she enjoyed the feeling she got looking at her. It made her feel thrilled.

Once the teacher had finally arrived, Camila continued to keep her eyes locked on the back of the new girl's head.

When class was over, Liam got up and ran after the new girl. Camila followed to see what he was doing.

The raven haired girl stopped at a locker, Camila leaned against one on the opposite side, watching her best friend walk up to the new girl.

As Liam talked to her, she didn't say a word, instead she looked over at Camila and furrowed her eyebrows again.

She nodded to something Liam had said, then looked back at the brunette boy.

She finally spoke and Camila tried to read her lips, but she had difficulty in doing so.

Liam shrugged and walked back over to Camila, and the new girl shut her locker and walked away.

"What happened?" Camila asked, Liam walked over to her with a frown.

"I asked her if she was single, then I asked her out and she said she's gay," Liam fake laughed, clearly trying to shake off the heartbreak.

"She's strange anyways," Camila mumbled, looking down the hall at the raven haired girl who was busy on her phone.


A/N: Hallo! What do you think?

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