Top 5 characters in Attack on Titan

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Hey guys Author-chan here with her top 5 favorite characters in Attack on Titan. This was hard to pick since I love every single character (except Reined and Buttholdt) but hey this is just my opinion on my favorite characters

5. The precious coconut himself, Armin Arlet. Armin is a weakling, physically. But mentally, he's the strongest of all. He's smart, and brave when he needs to be. I like Armin better in the manga because you get to see his cleverness more in effect. And I also like the fact that he can admit he messed up. Hey, it took guts to do what he did in the last chapter of the manga (I won't get specific because not everyone reads the manga). So Armin earned his spot at number 5.

4. The Horse. Jean Kirstein. Jean, to me, has the most personality (next to Hanji) and he has absolutely no filter. He knows what he wants and won't stop to get it. His fights with Eren never fail to make me laugh. And remember how Marco said that Jean would some day be a leader? And at this point in the manga he's leading Levi's squad? (Screaming internally)

3. The clean freak midget. Levi Ackerman. "What!? Levi Heichou is number 3!? How dare you!!!" Put your pitch forks down, Kay? Levi grew on me. I didn't like him this much at first. Then, thanks to reading the manga and the Levihan ship, Levi became one of my absolute favorites. I just admire how much he cares about his friends and his squad and even though I don't ship Rivetra, I felt so bad for him when she died. He just cares so deeply about his squad members and that just makes Levi super admirable. And them abs. Yass.

2. Titan boy. Eren Jaegar. Eren is one of the most driven characters ever. To me, he seems the most motivated to exterminate the titans. And he cares so much about his friends. I just... I really like Eren. So much that I ship myself with him. (Mikasa sharpening knives in the background) Stop it Mikasa. Anyways, I just really like Eren as a character, and his eyes are just...I love his eyes. But who doesn't?

1. (If you've been reading this crack from the beginning this may not be a surprise to you because I apparently obsess over this character) Ladies and gentlemen, please rise as the best character makes her way down the aisle. Drumroll please? (Drumrolls) HANJI ZOE!!!! You guys knew she was coming. Yep. My favorite character in Attack on Titan right here. When I first started watching the anime I'm like "oh that glasses character is funny" and now I'm like "THE QUEEN HANJI ZOE HAS ARRIVED!!!" Seriously, Hanji is part of the reason why I like Levi. Oh, and don't get me started on Levihan, no that's for another chapter. I could go on for paragraphs explaining why I like Hanji so much, but I won't. She's just awesome, and a weirdo like me. So let us all applaud the queen, the future wife of Levi, the next Commander of the survey corps, Hanji Zoe.

So yah guys that was just a random list of my favorite characters. What are yours? Let me know in the comments

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