Random Levihan one shot

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Levi stared out the window of his third floor apartment and frowned. It was pouring rain and it didn't show any signs of stopping. Since Levi didn't own a car, he usually walked to work with his neighbor, Hanji. Levi was a teacher at the city's high school and Hanji was a scientist at the city's lab. The lab was about a block away from the school, so Hanji would usually say goodbye to her friend once they arrived at the school yard.

At first, Levi thought she was being a nuisance, but over time, he grew to enjoy the scientist's company. She was pretty much his only friend in this town, since he had to leave Farlan and Isabel behind in his old city.

Levi walked into the hall and knocked on his neighbor's door. "Zoe. Zoe it's me," Levi said in a voice loud enough to wake up all of their neighbors. He didn't care though, as most of the others were already awake or at work.

"Mmmhmm?" He heard a groggy voice from the other side of the door. Levi opened the door to see his scientist friend half awake on the couch. Levi sighed and walked over to the woman.

"Hanji Zoe wake up," Levi said, shaking her a bit. No response. Levi hated when she stayed up late at night studying since he would have to wake her up and wait for her to get ready. "Hanji Zoe get up now." Nope, still no response.

Levi couldnt think of anything else to try and wake her up. Besides, he though she looked so cute sleeping. He had felt some way about his neighbor for a while now, and he wondered if she returned that feeling. Levi sighed again, bent down to be at level with her face, and just kissed her.

He felt his face get hot and noticed Hanji's face was red when he pulled away. "Four eyes," Levi said once again. She smiled, and opened her brown eyes.

Levi opened his mouth to say something to her when there was a knock at the door. Little did they know that at the other side of that door stood

JOHN CENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am I a horrible person? Maybe

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