1. Seth's Struggle

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At a glance, it was just an ordinary university dormitory room with everything you'd expect from a dormitory room and nothing else.
Seth Martins had come to see this place as more of a home than anything else. His room was small, giving it more of a comfy vibe. The carpet was soft and bouncy, he cleaned the place constantly, and possibly the best part of living there, his roommate.

"Hey there Taylor." Seth said quietly, as he walked in and closed the door behind himself.
Taylor waved at him, without looking up from his desk, which appeared to be covered in work that he had to do.

Taylor Boivin was a man of very few words and he never seemed interested in opening up to people, but his disinterested exterior, to Seth, was exactly that. Just an exterior. He wasn't the only person that thought this. Anyone that had seen Taylor smile or heard him laugh would know that there was something more to him than the workaholic that he let people see. Taylor was, honestly, a lot more sensitive.

"You look like you have a lot of work to do." Seth smiled, shyly as he spoke, peering over Taylor's shoulder.

"Yeah. Psychology's a bitch." Taylor sighed. Seth never understood why he complained so much. Psychology was Taylor's passion. Maybe he just wanted to agree with Seth on something...

"What about you?" Taylor suddenly asked.


"What work have you got to do?"

"Oh. Well, I spent most of the day in the library to get it done there." Seth moved away and went to place his bag down on the table. When he turned back around, he saw that Taylor had stopped working and had turned around to look at him. He wore the same cold and disinterested look that he always did.

"What was that? You're so quiet that I couldn't hear you." He admitted.

"I got most of my work done in the library. A little extra too." Seth murmured.

Taylor coughed awkwardly and spun his chair back around to continue with his psychology papers.

Seth felt a sudden wave of guilt wash over him as he walked over to his bed and lay down on it, staring at the ceiling.
Another day had come and gone. Tomorrow would be the exact same.


His deep, purple eyes opened slowly as he sat up in his bed. As Seth looked around, he saw the beam of light that found its way across the floor from the small gap in between the curtains. He scratched the back of his head as he pulled the covers off himself and spun around, pushing himself up until he was standing.
Seth wasn't surprised to see that Taylor's bed was already empty, and he could hear the sound of a pen scrawling on paper.
He looked to the other side of the room and, as he suspected, Taylor was already up, dressed and working.

"You have morning classes, right?" He sighed, without looking at Seth.

"Yeah." Seth yawned, going over to his closet and digging around for clothes.

"Hop to it. Don't be late."

"I know, I know."

When Seth was ready to leave, he decided to approach Taylor and tried to speak to him casually before he was due to arrive in class.



"Do you... Uhm..."


Seth stuttered a little as he tried to get his question out. He cursed his insecurities and decided to shake it all off.

"Never mind." He laughed, quietly, turning around and approaching the door.

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