"Zayn, that's how it may look to you, but it's not true, okay? I care about you so incredibly much. I like to wake up to hearing you scream my name when he have nightmares because I know you trust me, just like I trust you. I love that your past is so abstract and so rough because we can work on making a better future together. Jade is my friend, but my dad thinks she's my girlfriend. She's nothing you are, Zayn. You're mine and I'm yours and that's that." Niall told me sternly. I nodded and kissed his cheek as an apology to my behavior. He kissed my lips again and let himself get cuddled up into my arms.

"Are you guys done having your little couple argument? I'm hungry and want to get a beer." Jade said, sounding quite manly. Niall giggled and let me laugh a little too. The three of us went inside, but Niall's hand went to Jade's instead of staying in mine. He pat my lower back softly like an apology and I pulled myself together. I'm sure he doesn't like hearing about my past and how many men have been with me, but he still makes a point to understand me and accept it. I guess if this is a relationship or whatever, then I guess I'll have to accept that his dad is a homophobe and he needs to impress this man. I bet if I had a real dad then I would want to impress him too, so I'll comprise with this and understand his situation too.

"I'm glad you made it, son. And Jade! You look as beautiful as ever." Some Irish man came over to us and said. He looked like an older version of Niall which made me realize this was the man Niall was trying so hard to impress that he forgot his own happiness along the way. Niall only received a pat on the back while Jade was engulfed into a hug. She laughed and looked over at me to shoot me a look like she was telling me I was lucky. I just looked down at my shoes then looked at the man again once he reached his hand out to me.

"I'm Zayn. It's nice to meet you." I started. He nodded and told me he was Niall's dad. However, the way he said he was related to Niall sounded like and obligation to say. All I know is if I got to introduce myself as anything belonging to Niall I would shout it and be as proud as I could be. He's an amazing man and I would probably bring a banner and some balloons saying I belonged to Niall. I just bit my tongue and pat Niall on the back. He leaned in to my touch, making me feel happy I could comfort him.

"Well, you all can just hang out here. The party is pretty much everywhere so feel free to wander. Niall, make sure to find your brother at some point to tell him congratulations." Mr.Horan told Niall before walking away. The three of us found our way to a small table and Niall started to order the alcohol. I just got a diet Coke and ordered something to eat. Jade didn't hold back in ordering something to eat while Niall just sipped at a pint that he got pretty quickly after ordering it. I reached under the table and got his hand in mine. He took it and looked over at Jade.

"If you want to go find someone and start snogging them then I won't mind. It would be the only valid reason I could break up with you in my father's eyes." Niall said coldly. He took a big gulp of his beer and I knew that tonight I would be learning how to drive because I wasn't going to let Niall get behind the wheel. I gently reached in his pocket and got the keys, but he was too busy drinking to really notice me. Suddenly, I felt like little ten year old Zayn that vividly remembers taking the keys from my mum or any of the other men around just incase. I know with some men I wished they would crash and die in an accident for what they did and took from me, but I knew that other people would get hurt and they did nothing to deserve it. So, this was always my habit no matter where I was.

"Zayn, I'm not going to get all the way drunk. Don't look at me like I'm about to go kill someone." Niall chuckled to me. I nodded, but I don't think he realized that alcohol played a really big role in my life and in a way I was afraid of it. I didn't tell him anything and waited for him to calm down enough to stop being the annoyed Niall I don't like to see and to be the cute Niall that likes when I hold him and protect him.

Life Of A Prostitute (Ziall Horlik) AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें