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Jack and I walk downstairs hand in hand and see Jacob, Erika and Johnson sitting around the table.

"JOHNSON!" I yell.

"CAMRYN!" He yells back.

"When did you get here?" I ask him.

"Our flight landed a couple hours ago, we've been up all night and we're exhausted." He sighs and points towards Layla who is sleeping on the couch.

I laugh and turn to Erika.

"Starbucks?" I ask, smiling.

"Duh!" She laughs.

I run over to Layla and jump on her.


She slowly opens her eyes and groans.

"fúck you." She rolls her eyes, but still gets up.

We're all already ready so we just leave

"Bye Jack!"
"Bye Jacob!"
"Bye Johnson!"

We yell

"Have fun!"
"Be safe!"
"Don't take drugs!"

They yell back.

We laugh and drive off to starbucks.

We walk in and get our drinks. Layla and I both get iced skinny soy vanilla latte's and Erika gets a passion tea lemonade (A/N i think that's a thing?) 

we sit down at a table and talk for a while before I excuse myself to use the bathroom.

I'm washing my hands when I hear someone walk in. They walk up behind me and tap me on the shoulder, and when I turn around I see.... Madison.

"So we meet again Camryn." She smirks.

"Why are you here and what do you want?" I roll my eyes.

"You know exactly what I want. I want Jack."

I feel a sharp pain in my head and everything goes black.

after Camryn left to go to the bathroom my phone started ringing.

"I've gotta take this." I say and walk outside. It was to loud in starbucks to hear the call.

I answer it and all the person says is 'turn around' and then they hang up.

I reluctantly turn around and see delaney standing there?!

"Uh no offence Delaney but why are you here?" I ask.

"I'm here because I want Jacob. I love him way more than you do." She states.

I start to protest but she swings a punch at me. I attempt to hit back but she blocks my hit and punches me again. I fall to the ground and she keeps hitting and kicking me,

When everything goes black.

I'm just sitting in Starbucks alone because Cam went to the bathroom and Erika went to take a call, when some girl comes up to me and sits down at my table.

"Uh not to be rude but who the fück are you?" I ask.

"I'm Emma and-" she paused and walks around the table to stand behind me. I feel her put a cloth over my mouth and the last thing I hear is "Johnson's future wife."

Before everything goes black.

I take Camryn out of the bathroom as quickly and as casually as I can and I bring her to the the van which Ashton was waiting in the whole time. Once I get there I see that Emma and Delaney are already there with Erika and Layla. We put them in the back of the van and we all get in the actual seats.

As ashton starts driving away we all high five and I say,

"mission accomplished."
This was soooo weird to write omg.... And btw if you forgot this is kinda like a collab with @queenjsartorius but our stories aren't going to be exactly the same cause what's the point if they are going to be the same😂 so ya bye gotta go to school now:-/

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