Chapter 18 - Whore's Dust

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This Keegan Lucas- apparently is one alpha they do not wish to cross.  He was considered well respected and the strongest one Arcadia has ever had.  In the pack hospital where he works, he would never have second thoughts about caring for an injured rogue.  He always saw the good in them and never the bad.  So why then did they agree to help him?  He was wary but he was wiser.

Emma stirred and her warm sweet breath touched the down of his chest.  He gently pushed her on her back and guided his erection into her core.  He stroked her lovingly like he was supposed to.  Emma could only moan.  She couldn’t muster the energy to give in fully to the sensation since it was only done to sate himself.  She would give as much as she could but to passionately reciprocate is entirely another matter.  Asking her to live with him may have been a sliver of light to the darkness that is slowly engulfing her.  Does she dare hope for Carter to have a change of heart?  Maybe when hell freezes over and she is 6 feet below the ground.


Keegan was surfing through the channels in the television as he waited for Queran to come down and his guests to arrive.  He was somewhat distracted by the urgency of Dan’s visit.  They would’ve discussed it over the phone or the next time he comes to work at the hospital.  He said it was imperative that he discuss the matter as soon as possible and it was too delicate a matter to talk about it in the workplace.  The sound of the gates opening and tires crunching the gravel brought him back to the present.  He turned off the television and flicked through his classical playlist on his I-pod.  He got up to get the door for his folks, Dan and Meg.

“Hey mom.. dad!”  He kissed his mom’s cheek and his dad gave him one of those man hugs.  Dan and Meg followed.  He frowned at Dan’s hand that was resting on Meg’s back.  Was he missing something here?  He thought.  No!  Dan is being just a gentleman.

“Good evening alpha!”  Dan greeted and shook hands with Keegan.  “Thank you for seeing me.”

“No worries.  Good evening Meg!”  He kissed her on the cheek as well.  “Queran will be down in a minute.”  Meg patted his cheek and smiled at him.  After which, her gaze shifted to her daughter who she saw was walking down the staircase.  Keegan followed her gaze and he lost the power of speech for a brief second.  She was a vision in a casual halter necked shift dress, that molded her hour glass figure to perfection.  Aqua or teal was definitely her color.  Her hair was down in a set of curls that he resisted the urge to sink his fingers into them.  There was just something so utterly sexy about her walking barefoot.  As soon as she reached the landing she bent her knee backwards to slip on her doll shoes.  He was completely mesmerized and he never strayed from just looking at her.  A nudge on his rib had him descending from the high of admiring his mate.

“Ooomph.  MOM!  Was that necessary? Geez!”

“You were certainly taking your time.  Haven’t you had enough drooling these past few days?”

“No and I certainly was not drooling.  How do you keep up with this woman, dad?”

“You’ll know soon enough, son.”  He patted Keegan’s back and walked pass him to greet his daughter-in law.  The rest of the guests followed him to the living room.

Dinner was such a fun affair.  They were now having coffee and Tiramisu cups for dessert.  He missed having meals with his parents and just catch up.  What he loved most about his mother is her ability to put everyone at ease with her animated stories and playful banter with Meg and his dad.  Keegan was glad that she struck a very close friendship with Meg and the two women have now become inseparable and stuck out like two peas in a pod.  The way his dad would look at her with so much adoration even after all these years, had him reflecting on the offing that he would look at Queran the same way in the years to come.  He stole an adoring glance at Queran’s smiling face and placed a wet kiss on her bare shoulder.  He felt her stiffen and was shifting uncomfortably in her seat.  Her skin was flushed and warm under his lips.  She gulped a full glass of water and jumped up her seat.

Fate Smiles on My Alpha (Book 1 of the Fate Series) - CompletedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat