the unforseen moments

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The last thing I ever remembered was walking, then pain, then blackness.
I wake with a sinking feeling. It's pick black and i know I'm ties to a chair, I try to struggle and the chair swings, ok so I'm obviously hanging, but what's below me.
I shot hello so that I can get a dent of how large the room is, I realize that it is fairly large, but what's more important is that there are other animals in here with me.
My ears twitch with anticipation.
I don't dare struggle because if the rope holding me here breaks then I would fall into the abyss below.

I'm sweating out of fear, I can't remember who did this.
And I did not want to know what Nick must be feeling.
I wondered how long I've been here.
As I'm thinking these things someone interrupts my train of thought.

Nicks p.o.v: I wake up, stetch, and look for Raven. But she isn't home.
I decided to that she must have left somewhere, when I noticed her crutches and the broken window. I start to panic, I called Judy and told her the situation. We decided that this will be our case since Raven was my girlfriend.
I followed the broken glass trail as far as I could then sniffed my way from there.

Ravens p.o.v: "do you recognize me?"
I did recognize the voice but I couldn't put a face to that voice.

I smelled mountain lion. "Mr. ML??!!"

He just chuckled
"I knew you were good at that, but I have one thing to ask first, why didn't you leave my town?"
He said with a darker tone of voice.
I didn't want to tick off a mafia boss, so I thought as quickly as possible.
" I was hoping to find a place to live as a civilian, not a hustler"
Do you know what your above?"
"Well let me she'd some light on the matter"
Then the lights snapped on I was over some rapids.
Funny I didn't hear it though. I tried thinking as hard as I could to get out of this awful situation. Since I was death afraid of water.

"Your gonna pay, you realize this right?"
Then he threw a knife and it hit the chair making it swing.
I heard them laughing amongst themselves.

"Now Raven you get to choose which poor animal to save, either this Ms Judy Hopps, or Mr Nick Wilde"

I gaped in horror.
How in the world did he kidnap them?

As if reading my mind ML said "oh I found these pipsqueaks crawling outside my door, trying in a pathetic attempt to rescue you"

Judy and Nick looked down guiltily. How in the world do choose between my best friend and my boyfriend?

Authors note: hi there, so will Raven choose Nick or Judy, comment on which one she will save or the story may take a turn for the worse

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