Raven's bed ridden

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Nicks: p.o.v

I paced the waiting room, only every once in a while banging on the door asking to let me in or to hurry up.
So I texted Judy telling her where I was and that cotton tail(since I didn't know her name) was in the hospital. "Oh Nick I'm so sorry I could see that you had cared about her. But on other news the animal we were chasing is tied into our case"

"that's a good and bad thing I guess"
"And he got away"
"Shit" I murmured under my breath
"Well I'll be there in 10 min, and once she wakes I must ask her what she knows"

Once judy got here i kept pacing till my feet were sore then kept on pacing.
I waited for what seems like hours and to my surprise never touched my phone once. "Ah! I should have been there sooner or this wouldn't have happened, its all my fault"
I stomped around and started to kick a chair. " Nick get a hold of -"
When the door opened and a docter walked out.
"Um, Nick?"
"YES!!!, that's me!"
"It seems like your girlfriend had a bit of a harsh day, I know this must be hard to hear but she had to have fifteen stitches and is currently in a lot of pain, so we had her go to sleep at the moment, but we are having a difficulty in finding bed space for her, we will wait till she wakes up before sending her home, but you may go in now"
I rushed in not wanting to wait any longer. I sat down next to her bed seeing her face covered in bandages and her leg propped. Judy walking in with her ears bent down "I'll wait till she how's home Nick I think you need time so text me when you have her all set up."
"Thanks carrots, I appreciate it"
I picked up her hand and held it stroking it tenderly, then planted a light kiss on her for head, or at least half head half bandage. When I hears her groan, I thought t she was waking but she just squirmed in the bed, making noises and then mumbled "no" then she screamed it and started to wraith vigorously. I started to shake her, buy it wasn't working, then she slowed down only be a little bit, she started to cry uncontrollably, it was to hard to bear, it was destroying my heard seeing her in such a state.

Ravens: p.o.v
I see blackness endless dark. When I start seeing my family and they were being more cruel than usual, I started to cover my ears in fear, said no when all of a sudden, it was Nick face I saw and he told me he same cruel words as my family, saying that they were right, that'd when I started screaming and crying till I saw no more.

Authors note: sorry it didn't get very far, please comment, it gives me support and reason to write:)

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