Chapter 2

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

My eyes start to open and I see that Glenn is helping an old man breath proply. I stand close by as I see more people help the sick man.

"Just breath. Okay take your pump" the man who came in with Rick, T Dog and Daryl. "What the hell is this" Rick asks Glenn not noticing my presence. "an asthma attack. Couldn't get his breath all of a sudden" Rick turns to look at me and relife washes over his face.

"Thought you were being eaten by dogs, man!" t says to Glenn. I see Glenn look behind him. I go to look and I see three little chihuahuas. I chuckle. "Yeah they are really scary"

"Could I have a word with you?" Rick asked the man. Glenn and T Dog were chatting away. Then there were the two awkward people. Me and Daryl. "They didn't touch you did they?" He whispered. I shook my head. "Well apart from when they hit me over the head to get me in the car." He nodded.


"You've given up half our ammo." Daryl moaned. "Not nearly half" Rick argued. "For what? A bunch of old farts who're gonna die off momentarily anyhow? Seriously, how long do you think they got?" Daryl grumbled. "How long do any of us have?" I answered.

I carried on walking. Not realising I bumped into the back off someone. I look up to see Daryl glaring at me. "Oh my god" Glenn whispers. "Where the hells our van?" Daryl asked shocked. "We left it right there. Who'd take it?" "Merle." That must be who they are looking for. Wait. It cant be...

We started to walk to the quarry were everyone else was in the group. We have walked for hours. See im in the front. Daryl's a bit behind me. Rick, Glenn and T Dog are behind Daryl. "Hell that woman can walk" I hear T say between heavy breaths. I go to answer but screaminh cuts me off. I run off ahead.

I pull my bow off my back and load an arrow. I run into the make shift camp and start shooting walkers. Before long I run out of arrows. I grab my six knifes before throwing them at walkers. I see a walker behind Daryl, that he doesn't notice. Daryl looks at me. I throw the knife past his head ans into the walkers. He nods a thanks at me. I look around and nituce all of the walkers are now gone.

"Baby! Carl!" Rick shouts. Carls his son. I turn to see Rick heading towards his wife and son. "Dad!" Carl screams before runing into Ricks arms. Rick carries Carl to his wife Lori and hugs them both.

I see a face I recognise. "Shane!" I yell as I run towards him. He sees me and slowly starts to walk to me as if he doesn't believe im actually here. "Shane!" I sob as I jump into his arms. "Oh my! Lauren im so haply I found you." He cries into my shoulder.

"I remember my dream now...why I dug the holes." a man whispers from beside me and Shane.

"You look tired. Get some sleep I'll keep watch." Shane said to me. I nod amd hug him and start to walk. I stop and turn back. "Where do I sleep." I ask.

"There is room in Daryl's tent. But you have to ask him first. If he says no your gonna have to deal with mine, squirt and my mess." Shane teases. I walk over to Daryl. "Hey is it okay if I can comw stay in your tent just for tonight." I ask slowly. He sighs then nods. Daryl leads me to his tent and tells me where to sleep. I lay down and drift off to sleep.


"Hey get up" someone said while kicking me. I groaned and got up. I see Daryl looking at me. "We are heading out to the CDC. Ricks gonna see if they can help Jim?" I look at him confused. "Jims bit" I nod and stand up. "Your riding with me in my truck. We need to talk" I look at him. "You talk in ya sleep..." he mumbled before walking out.

I got up and walked out. I see Carl sitting down with two girls. I recognise one of them. "Jodie?" I yell. Her head looks up and she sees me she runs up to me. "Hi Lauren" she says excitedly. "Is my brother not with you?" Jodie asks slowly. I shake my head. "We'll find him soon" I reassure her.

"Okay everybody lets head on out." Rick tells us all. I walk over to Daryl's truck and get in the passenger side. I wait for him to get in. After a few moments of waiting he gets in. In the truck its just silence. Not an awkward silence but a peaceful one. I see him bite his thumb nail and shift awkwardly, as if he wants to say something but then at the same time don't want to. "Just say it all ready" I tell him breaking the silence. "Who's Tia?" Daryl asks. I sigh.

"When I was sixteen, I signed up to be trained in the army. Shane didn't like the idea at first but he didn't have any say in it. After two years of training I was at the top of my training group. It was our last night there before we all went back home to our families. The girls who I were training with, had suggested we all went out for some drinks. So we were having fun. A man started hitting on me trying to flirt. I walked away. When it came for me waiting for ny my taxi, a hand came over my mouth and dragged me into an alleyway. The man raped me...After he was done he just left. I couldn't tell anyone about it for a couple of months until I found out that I was pregnant. The man took my virginity so I know he was the father. He was a bit older than me. I told my best friend Cieran. (Guess who's back ;) hehe) he helped me through a lot. Hes Jodie's brother. I then had baby Tia. She's now two. She stays with Cieran when I go to training. She should be with him now...I hope so. The girl is my world. The only problem is...Shane doesn't know....your the only other person that knows besides Cieran and Jodie." I finish.

"I hope you find her." He tells me. I smile. "We're here."


Okay so 2nd chapter is up!

Just want to say....HI CIERAN! HI JODIE! im glad you like me books xxx

Please vote and comment xx
If there are any spelling errors tell me and alson in other chapters and other stories of mine x

So Lauren has a daughter

1) where do you think she is?
2) is she with Cieran?
3) who do you think the father is?
4) how will Shane react?
5) do you think Daryl is starting to get attached?

Ouat0143 there you go xx

Bye Fellow Archers

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