Chapter Eight

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 Chapter Eight

*Hey guys! Check out the picture on the side before you start reading!! It'll give you a hint on what you'll be expecting on this chapter!*


I hurried crossed the parking lot with Nathan behind me, trying to catch up. Suddenly a car pulled out near me.

"Lilly!" he yelled grabbing my arm and yanking my back towards how chest.

The car pulled out the rest of the way and drove towards the street. Nathan gripped my arm that he was still holding, making me look up.

He looked down at me angrily and worriedly, "Are you trying to kill yourself? Okay I know your upset but that doesn't mean the whole world is stopping and you can do whatever you want." he whispered fiercely.

Tears weld up in my eyes from the anger and I yanked my arm out of his grasp. I turned away from him and started walking again with the tears now rolling down my cheeks.

Everything his doing is pissing me off right now. I just want to get this over with. This time before crossing the street I looked to my left and to my right making sure there were no cars. Just because I was angry at him doesn't mean he's not right.

I walled along the houses with him behind me and finally we stopped in front of a house that stood out the most.

I knocked twice and the door flew open.

A beautiful lady stood at the door frame, she had strawberry blonde hair that was sitting nicely on her shoulders. Her figure was amazing and well kept. Her eyes were smoky gray but it looked blue if you focus on her face. Percy, the lady from the spa was right, she did look young.

"Um hi... Were here for a reading." I said shyly, I felt Nathan close behind me. The tingles of his warm body was making me crazy but I can't think about that now, I'm mad at him.

"Oh I know dear! Come in! Come in!"

She led as in to a room where there were odd paintings all over the wall and other things. The only thing normal was the desk, and the chairs. There was freshly made tea sitting in front of the two chairs on the desk.

"Don't be shy! Sit! Sit!" she sat on the other side of the desk while we took our seat on the other two chairs. I did my best and sat as far away from Nathan as possible. He didn't like that hence the expression on his face wanted to pull my chair back closer to his but he just shook his head and sighed.

"Now what is your names?" she Asked?

"Shouldn't you know already?" Nathan asked.

She smiled, "Oh of course but I want to male sure your the right one, my visions get a little rusty at time as I'm getting old."

"Lilly." I spoke.


"Oh good! Now how will you be paying?"

Nathan slouched on his chair to get his wallet from his pocket, he fiddled inside the pocket and threw what looked like 400 dollars on her desk in front of her.

Her eyes widened, "Oh my. Well why don't you tell me your problem."

Nathan spoke this time, "We were supposed to get married-."

"Ahhh an arranged marriage." she nodded as she closed her eyes.

"Yeah and it's because of Lilly's grandmother. She's a psychic too and she predicted that me and Lilly would make a great future together. So our parents thought we should get married."

Arrange Marriage To My Ex-Best Friend (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora