Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


It's only been 15 minutes and I'm starting to feel this awkward tension. I mean god... who knew I would've liked kissing my ex-bestfriend?

"Lilly." he spoke, breaking me from my thoughts.

I turned to him curiously, "Are you okay?" he asked looking at me worriedly.

I sighed, "I'm fine." I said for the millionth time.

"Look I know the kiss was uncalled for and I promise I won't do it again if it makes you uncomfortable." he said turning away from me.

He thinks I regret kissing him? I sighed and leaned my head against the seat, maybe a little nap will take care of it.


I woke up and by the looks of it from outside it was already night time. I turned to my side and noticed Nathan was gone.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

I looked around and noticed everyone on the plane was sound asleep, but where's Nathan?

I had the sudden urge to pee forcing me to get up and tip toe to the washroom. I opened the unoccupied room and sat down with a sigh.

I sat there quietly when I heard a thud and muffled voices. Curious, I finished up and washed my hands opening the door slowly.

Murmurs and sounds where still going but where did they come from?

I placed my ear on the door next to me quietly. The sounds where definitely coming from there but what was It?

I opened the door quietly and peeked in. My throat dropped to my stomach. Nathan had his back to me in front of the flight attendant that was showing her cahoona's earlier. She moaned like crazy as he continued to thrust into her.

Before they noticed me I shut the door and ran back to my seat. I sobbed into a pillow and wrapped a blanket over my head.

For a minute I thought he actually liked me but no. He's still that monster Claire turned him into. How could I let myself think he was the old Nathan?

I sat in my seat sobbing to myself for awhile when I heard shuffling from beside me. My heart throbbed knowing it was him.

"Lilly?" his voice gave me chills.

When I didn't answer he pulled off my blanket. I was about to decided wether I should pretend to sleep but I don't wanna explain to him why I had makeup running down my face tomorrow morning.

I looked up at him but not directly at him that would just make me want to hit him but kiss him at the same time!

"What's wrong?" he asked, worry shook in his voice as he grasped my hand.

I pulled my hand away from him and looked at his face. He looked at his now empty hand then back to me, his expression was emotionless... so was mine.

"I had a bad dream." I muttered.

He looked at me in awe, as he grasped my hand tightly, "It's okay. I'm here." he whispered.

My heart shrank as I looked down at our hands. I can believe he's doing all this as an act... What does he think he's gonna get out of it? I pulled my hand out of his and looked away.


"Just go to sleep." I closed my eyes and totally ignored him.

I was falling for my ex-bestfriend.


*** Short story!! Only because I haven't uploaded in a REALLY LONG TIME.

So who wants to hear something from Nathan's POV?

Vote for the next chapter (:

Love you guys and Thanx for ready <3

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