Being sick sucks,A helpful hand

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Akashi Seijuro's POV.

As the teacher began to take roll call I looked behind me and noticed that Gin was once again late for school.(when am I not?) I expected him to show up after second period, but as second period ended he still hasn't shown up yet. As the day continued and the time for basketball practice to start he still hasn't shown up yet.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I first asked our little group first (The GOM.) but even they didn't know anything.

"Hhmm thats odd usually he doesn't skip the whole day,I'll go talk to the coach about this."

"I'm coming with you to Akashi/Akashi-kun/Aka-chin/Akashi-cchi." they all said at the same time as they began to follow me.

As we headed to practice to talk to our coach,I could feel the others behind me shift and murmur worriedly behind me as we entered the first gymnasium.

"Excuse me Coach do you know why Kaminari Gin hasn't showed up today?" I asked(demanded) him.

"Oh Akashi, nice to see you, I would have thought Kaminari would have told you guys but he didn't come to school today because he's sick." replied our coach

I couldn't help but feel shocked at what I just heard,I could tell without having to look at the others to tell that they were shocked too by what they just heard.

'The world is ending Gin actually made up a believable excuse.' we all thought in shock.

'But why would Gin stop making his ridicules excuses now? That's not like him so that means only two things.

1. Gin is tell the truth.

2. And that he was most likely sick.

"Everyone after practice is over we are going to Gin's house to check on him, thank you for you corporation Coach." I ordered them.

"Hai!!" they all saluted me, then marched in unison towards basketball practice.

Kaminari Gin's POV

*ah,ah,ah ahchoo!!!*

'Man~ I hate being sick, plus Nijimura-Senpai is going to kill me for missing a whole day of practice.(instead of me being late all the time.)

As I laid in my fort of a hundred blankets(more like between 10-20,but who's counting?) my head was throbbing,my body aching, and my throat was as dry as the desert. I would have gotten up to get some water and ibuprofen,but every single time I got up I would get to dizzy and almost fall over(the first time I got up I was so dizzy that my room looked like it had 6 extremely blurry TV's.

So I decided to cover myself in blankets,and try to sleep/rest most of my fever off before I try to get up again. After I fell asleep for a couple of hours I checked My temperature only to see that it hasn't improved.

'I guess if I want to get any better I'm going to have to get up and get some medicine,and some food...... But there so ffaarr away!!' as I started to complain about that life hating me,I stopped when I heard someone knocking on my door. When I didn't answer it for a couple of minutes I immediately knew who it was.

"KAMI-CCHI~~~~~~ WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING THE DOOR???? WE KNOW YOUR IN THERE... PLEASE HURRY UP AND ANSWER AKASHI-CCHI IS STARTING TO SCARE US!!!!!" the voice of the one and only Kise Ryouta echoed throughout my apartment.

'I'm going to kill him one of these days,I swear I think he brought up my temperature."

As I plotted ways to kill Kise my phone rang. I began to blindly search for my phone on my night stand as I continued to stay in my cocoon of blankets.

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