Meeting the rainbow gang,New friends?

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*I know this photo has nothing to do with this chapter,it's just when I first found this picture I was laughing so hard
(and I still am). Anywho on with the story then."

Gin's POV


Once again this fine(horrible) morning,my bloody alarm clock seems to really hate me, for waking me up at this god awful hour. ( I don't even remember setting the darn thing) I roll over in my bed to get another hour of sleep, before my phone decide that it hated me too.

"Hello." I mumbled into the phone.

"Ah Gin-kun your awake hurry up and come open you door, me and Dai-chan want to come in." said Satsuki? Cheerfully.
"Satsuki before I do that how did you get my phone number?......... Wait a minute your outside my house!!!!!!" I asked dumbfounded.

"That's all unimportant information lets just say I have my ways,
(Is anyone else creeped out??) know hurry up Gin-kun." demanded Satsuki before she hung up the phone.
"Ssssiiiiiggggghhhh I'll let them in but if die then it's their own fault.(remember readers he hasn't have his coffee yet.) I wrap
myself in my blanket before leaving my bed to answer the door.

Aomine Daiki's POV

As me and Satsuki waited for Gin to open his door, I'm still wonderibg how satsuki found out all of this but hey he lives in a really nice appartment.


The sound of the door being unlocked resonated throughout the hallway, as the door was slowly being open a strange orange aurora seemed to leak out the door as it slowly creaked open.

"I'm going to die today,the gates of hell are slowly being opened." I thought to myself not being able to stop myself from shaking like a leaf.

As the door finally opened all the way the devil(Gin) himself stood there looking ready to commit murder.

" Gin-kun your finally up, you might want to hurry up if you don't want to be late for school." said Satsuki ignoring the highly threatening atmosphere, by walking into the lions den(Gin's apartment)

Gin looked at her dumbfoundedly before sighing, and motioning for me to come in. As I walked into his apartment the first thing that I noticed was the smell(no it didn't smell bad, it's just the first thing I noticed about his apartment.) it smelt like mint with a dash of men's cologne. As I looked around his place I noticed it was kinda plain, not extremely just a little he has all of the necessary things you need in a living room, but that's all he has no pictures of any kind, there's no mess or clutter, well actually there are two things he has in his living room that makes it look classy, first was a large black grand piano that was in the far right corner of the room. While on the far left side of the room was a coffee table that had a single picture that was facing down.

As I walked towards to picture to see what it was, I reached out my hand to touch the picture when suddenly Gin was right next to me with my wrist help firmly in his hand, while my fingers were centimeters away from touching the picture.

" your allowed to come into my house but....... Don't touch my stuff without my permission. Got it Aomine?" he said with a serious look in his eyes.

"He's never called me by my last name before, he must be pretty angry then, note to self don't touch his stuff without his permission if I want to continue living." I nodded at him multiply times to tell him I understood.

He looked at me for another second before letting go of me wrist, he grabbed the picture still making sure it was still faced down before hiding it in the folds of his blanket he still had wrapped around him.
He turned towards me and satsuki with that lazy look in his eyes again before speaking.

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