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ryonrass: Congrats on #1 album Bren.

ryonrass: Some of the songs reminded me of us.

ryonrass: Some of them reminded me of the fever era.

ryonrass: Some of them reminded me how sweet and gentle you are inside.

ryonrass: And the fact that we/you have always used really detailed words.

ryonrass: I'm sorry about the guys leaving.

ryonrass: Especially Spencer...

ryonrass: You haven't said a word to me in 6 years...Wow...

ryonrass: I miss you Brendon.

ryonrass: Just say hi to me.

ryonrass: I miss your touch.

ryonrass: I miss your kiss.

ryonrass: I miss reading our book together.

bdenurie is typing...

bdenurie: Go fuck yourself Ryan Ross.

bdenurie: You don't care.

bdenurie: You just want a boyfriend or girlfriend because you can never keep a love life going.

bdenurie: Hell, Dottie is gonna break up with you too.

ryonrass: How did you know about Dottie? You haven't paid attention to me in years too.

bdenurie: I do pay attention.

bdenurie: Because I actually do care about you, and I've loved you since the day we met Ryan Ross.

bdenurie: But you ruined me.

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