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ryonrass: Did you change some of your classes to mine?

bdenurie: no i just got switched into them

ryonrass: Why?

bdenurie: because i had a kid threatening to fight me. but, i don't mind. i think i got a big fat crush on you.

ryonrass: And again....Why?

bdenurie: because you have a nice personality. i picked up a paper that you dropped today. it had song lyrics on it. you have sloppy handwriting but I like it. you should be a singer.

ryonrass: I can't sing.

bdenurie: you sang well, when you were in the hall.

ryonrass: Stalker.

bdenurie: hottie who's locker is next to mine.

ryonrass: I wasn't complimenting you.

bdenurie: but I was complimenting you whether you hate me or not.

ryonrass: I could drop you so fast. Never talk to you again.

bdenurie: but you wouldn't.

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