Dark secret

609 19 13

Disclaimer : strong language ! May be triggering

Fiory , magnolia city , 12:30 PM

The sun was high in the clear blue sky , birds and other animals having fun and fooling around , a beautiful day to start the new season : spring . It was lunch time at a popular high school in magnolia better know as fairy tail high . The building stood tall and high with an emblem that looked like a bird but in reality it's a fairy with wings and a tail . You may ask does fairies have tails ? Well no one knows , as those creatures are from fairy tales . But maybe just maybe , fairies have tails , who knows ? It's an eternal research that may never be discovered .

The cafeteria was full , students scattered around in groups , sitting on tables having fun together and eating . A certain group - large group may I say - was sitting in the middle on the biggest and longest table .

" Oi ! Who you're calling an ice princess flame brain ?! " said a raven haired boy . He was tall and pretty muscular .

" who do you think idiotic stripper !? " another pink haired guy said , he was pretty much like the other one

" you wanna fight ash breath ?! "

" bring it on Popsicle ! " and they started fighting , but their fight didn't take long to end as a scarlet haired women glared there direction saying with a deadly aura

" do I hear fighting ? Natsu ! Grey ! "

" e-erza....!! " the 2 mumbled scared , then they put there hands around each other in a side hug , as for the other hand it was in the air

" us ? Fighting ? No way , we're best friends ! " said the Raven haired boy , also known as grey fullbuster

" aye ! " screamed the pinkette , also know as Natsu dragneel . As for the read head - better known as erza scarlet and sometimes Titania throughout the school , although she's scary - she paid no mind and continued eating her strawberry cake . Yes a strawberry cake , a single piece won't be enough for the almighty red head demon . But as soon as her sight was taken off of the two , they started fighting again......The usual , nothing weird......

" you can do it my beloved grey ! Juvia believes in you ! " a blue haired girl cheered for the man she loved with heart in her eyes....her name ?.....juvia Lockser

" uh ha haha...." A little 13 year old , blue haired girl , laughed nervously at the two . Her name was Wendy marvel , she's a relative of Natsu , well his step sister . Their parents - natsu's dad and Wendy's mom - married each other after the death of their wife and husband . But everything's good , they like each other and all

" my , my....... Things are getting interesting " mirajane strauss , better known as Mira or the she-devil said - because let's be real , everyone has a good and a bad side , but her bad side is really......scary . Her and erza are the most scariest females you might ever meet through your whole life . Let's not forget her reputation for being a very very serious matchmaker , no one messes with her ships -

" oh come on sis...." Lisanna strauss , Mira's little sister said while giggling , in fact they still have a younger brother names elfman . Mira was the biggest of the two . But as he would say ' he's too much of a man to sit with them ' so he sits with a group called the thunder legion or the thunder God tribe . I'll tell you a secret , he has a crush on someone from their group . Witch consist of :

Laxus Dreyar , grandson of the principal of the school , principal Makarov dreyar . Bickslow , evergreen and last but not least freed Justine .

Dark Secret ( fairy tail one shot/ nalu )Where stories live. Discover now