"Thanks, I really appreciate it." I gave the other girl a big hug before she pulled away and made her way back out.

"I mean I could tell Elyza, I know she wants to know." She said teasingly making me follow her out giggling. However, my light hearted banter with Ofelia was short lived and we were greeted by a certain Australian wearing booty shorts and a tank top that hugged her chest, showing off her amazing curves.

"Tell Elyza what? Oh and eyes up princess." She winked making me blush and roll my eyes. It looks like she had just woken up with that morning voice and her hair being all over the place and all.

Ofelia gave me a knowing look and I shook my head."Well if you wanted to know, you should've been up earlier." I struggled to hide the smile on my face and she gave me her half smirk back in return.

"Oh and what? Let you miss seeing me in this? Nah, not on my watch pretty eyes." She chuckled and walked off towards the bathroom.

"Calling me pretty eyes... she should've looked in the mirror." I thought to myself as I walked over to Ofelia whose eyes had widened and was obviously trying to suppress a laugh."What-?"

"Excuse me pretty eyes?" Elyza said from behind and I could feel her grinning from behind.

"Did I say that out loud?" I mouthed to Ofelia who gave me a subtle nod. "I don't know, what did I say?" I asked turning around to face her knowing full well my face probably looked like a tomato.

"I dunno, but your red cheeks brings out the green in your eyes." I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Is that the best you could do Lex? Not so much of a badass now are you?" I mirrored her smirk while I watched her blush and walk back to the bathroom. I turned back to Ofelia who looked like she was about to scream. "Don't." I chuckled walking back to my room.

I smiled as I heard the sound of the 1975's 'Heart Out' filling my ears. The song reminded me of the time Matt and I went down to the beach and he had introduced me to the band by buying all of the 1975's music on my phone. Matt, I completely forgot about him. How could I forget about him? He was the first person I ever actually loved and now I'm acting as if he never existed.

I sighed and sat up listening to the1975 and drowning myself in my thoughts. My tears were all dried out and I can't seem to cry at all.

"Hey princess what was that back there?" I heard Elyza say from the doorway. Really fucking hilarious that she shows up now. Always coming to the rescue isn't she? I heard her sigh and walk up to me."Come, I wanna show you something."

She held her hand out for me and gave me a soft smile. It's not often I see that smile. I took her hand and I felt a sense of deja vu once again. I shook the thought away and followed Elyza out of the apartment and up the stairs until we reached the final floor. "Where are we going?" I asked curiously looking down at our interlocked hands with a small smile on my face.

"We are going to a secret hideaway." She winked back at me as we reached a fire exit and we made our way onto the roof.

"The roof?" I asked and watched Elyza lead me over to a small make shift fort with a large mattress on the ground. It was nothing much but it looked undeniably cosy.

"Welcome to chez Elyza." She grinned proudly and sat down on the mattress, gesturing for me to sit beside her. "Right, tell mama Lex what's up?"

I sighed and fumbled with my sleeves. "Where do I start? Travis asked me about my sexuality this morning and it's bothering me, my ex boyfriend made his way back into my thoughts, my dreams and... you." I looked over at her and saw a flash of hope flicker through her eyes.

"Me? Okay, let's start with the whole boyfriend thing first." So I told her everything. I told her about Matt, something I hadn't spoken about since we left our home in Los Angeles.

"Listen, he was your first love. You're never going to forget him, he's going to live in your subconscious for as long as you live. But you can either choose to get over him and live your life or you can sit there reminiscing over all the good times you've had and end up alone and next thing you know you're watching The Notebook over and over again." I let out a giggle and saw her smile as she continued."My point is, you might not forget him, and this is gonna cheesy as hell, but you might as well be happy that it happened and not at all."

I nodded taking in all of what she was saying."Now about this sexuality situation..."

"Well Travis just asked me whether or not I was attracted to girls and well... i don't know." I looked over at her, leaving out the fact that the girl i may be attracted to was sitting in front of me.

"Well, during a time like this and even if it the world hadn't fallen to complete shit. It shouldn't matter so don't let that crap bother you. Straight or not you're still Alicia and that won't change." I glanced down at our still interlocked hands and I felt a sense of comfort and warmth in my chest. I looked up at Elyza's lips and licked my own.

I heard her clear her throat and I snapped out of my thoughts. "And the dreams you were having?"

I blushed and nodded."Alright Dr.Phil," I mumbled causing a small chuckle to come from the girl beside me."I've been having these dreams that I was in some post-apocalyptic world-"

"Well we kinda are babe." I ignored the comment and kept going.

"And well I was like, in charge of like twelve-no, thirteen cities or countries or something and you were there and I died and I remember seeing you while I was on my death bed and last thing I remember before I wake up is you... kissing me." I told her and she looked like she was about to cry.

"You remember that?" I heard her mutter out which left me confused."Uhm, I mean. Sometimes they say that your dreams are memories from before, like from your past life and some shit like that."

"So you think we've met before in another life?" I asked her while fidgeting around with her fingers. It was too crazy, too hard to believe.

"I don't know, just a thought." She shrugged her head dropping down and all sign of hope in her eyes gone.

"Hey, what's wrong? Talk to Mama Clark." I joked in an attempt to make her feel better.

"Nothing, I- swear." I noticed Elyza tense up when we both realised how close our faces were from each other. I felt my cheeks heat up and I glanced down at her lips before capturing them in a soft and gentle kiss.

I felt a huge weight release from my chest when I felt her kiss me back and I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. I pulled away and nudged her nose with mine, before leaning in again to deepen the kiss. Unfortunately she pulled away and I was left there stunned and dazed.

"Listen, Alicia. I like you but, not yet. I'm sorry princess." She cupped my cheek and another wave of deja vu hit me. I forced a smile on my face and tried to hide the disappointment i felt."Come on, let's go back. It's getting dark."

So I followed her down the stairs and soon we were back in the apartment as if nothing had happened.

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