Chapter 16

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Vanni's pov
Two seconds after Rydel asked us a question, my phone made a noise indicating that I got a text. I take out my phone to read the text that got sent to me. As soon as I read the text, I regretted it really badly. It read...

Tears instantly brimmed my eyes

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Tears instantly brimmed my eyes. I look up at the girls with tears about to fell.

"What does the text say?" Rydel asks.

"I will be back in a minute." I say in a hushed tone and walk out.

I walk out the hospital and sit on the same bench that I comforted ex on.

I look back at my phone and text him back.

I look back at my phone and text him back

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I look back up after reading his text. The tears that now brimmed my eyes had now fallen. I look down at my phone and text one more thing before blocking him. I text...

After I block his number I get up and walk back inside

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After I block his number I get up and walk back inside. As I am walking to Rydel's room, I am wiping away the tears. Luckily I didn't wear any makeup because of how early it was.

"Hey sorry about that." I say walking back into the room.

"It's fine. What did the text say?" Lexa asks.

"Nothing." I reply trying to dodge that question.

"Well if it didn't say anything then why do you have red eyes and puffy cheeks?" She says bringing the topic back up.

"I just don't want to talk about it ok!" I say my voice raised.

I feel something sliding down my cheek. I am guessing they are tears.

"Hey, I didn't mean to upset you. I am just worried about you, that's all." Alexa says trying to calm me down.

It takes me a few seconds to calm down.

"Sorry it's just..." I couldn't really finish that sentence without breaking into tears.

Instead I just hand her my phone after I unlock it.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry." Lexa says hugging me.

After she lets go she hands my phone to the other girls that have been watching our seen this whole time.

"Oh my gosh Vanni my brother is a jerk!" Delly says taking pity on me.

One thing I hate maybe more than Riker, is people taking pity on me.

"Hey Delly can you make that decision any sooner?" I say changing the subject,"Not that I am rushing you!"

"I have made my decision..." She says but pauses in mid sentence,"I am going to go not only for you guys but because Ell is probably off with Kelly having the time on his like while I am stuck in this hospital bed."

"Yay!! I am so happy you chose that, but there is one problem." I say.

"What's that?" She says not knowing Ell is here too.

"Well about Ell...he is not frolicking off with Kelly right now."

"Then what is he doing?" She says her frown deepening.

"Well he may or may not be in this very hospital, laying on a a coma." Lexa says.

Rydel doesn't say anything after Lexa's comment. My phone making a 'dinging' noise breakes the crestfallen scilance.

I look at my phone and see that the house I bought for us is getting new painting job because the walls had old rotting wallpaper on it. I am getting a whole new remodel on the house. The house is in Orlando, Florida(I know far away)and it is located on the beach.

I look up when I see the doctor walk in.

"Hello everyone, I have some good new for Miss.Lynch."

I look over to Delly and see her frown is upside down.

"What is it Doc." Rydel says.

"Well it seems to be that you baby is doing fine and is still healthy. I really don't know how it survived, but I am glad it did."

Since falls and we all are wearing shocked faces besides the Doctor.

We turn our heads to look at Rydel. She has a shocked face with a tear on her face that held so much emotion.

"Exactly how young is the baby?" Alexa says acting like she new Rydel was pregnant (I think).

Hey peeps,
I am so so so so sorry I haven't updated in a while.
This chapter was shot too.
I have been having some shit go down at my school and it is keeping me from writing.
I don't know when I will post my next chapter but...
With love,
Jada Lynch😘

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