Chapter 6

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Rydel's pov

...Ellington with a razor in his hand. There were about 5 cuts that were overflowing with blood from the fresh cuts.


"Just cutting. Nothing big."


"Ok, if you are telling me that than why do you do it Rydel Mary Lynch?"

"How did you know?"

"When I held your hand in the hospital, I could feel your cuts."

"What are you talking about? I don't cut."

"Oh really. Give me your wrists."

I nodded no.

"Rydel give me your wrists."

I nodded no again.

"If you don't cut, then why won't you give me your wrists?"

"Fine I cut, but the reason I cut is a good reason."

"Rydel you know no amount of reasons will make it common sense for you to cut."

"Whatever, so why do you cut?"

"Because my life sucks. You?"

"Because I am in depression."

"Why would you be in depression? Your life if fine."

"Well it's not 'cause my family it's more of my personal life. Really it's because my ex-boyfriend broke up with me. I had thought he wanted to be forever and always with me, but I was wrong. He broke my heart. This person had fallen for this girl named Kelly. Kelly would sometimes show up at my door when nobody was home, and abuse me. She did it mentally and mostly physically. Then one day my ex asked if we could be friends. I still haven't answered him, but I will now. Ellington, I don't want to be friends with you, I will never want to be friends with you. You caused me to much agony and grief. Ellington Lee Ratliff if you keep abusing yourself, you will be the death of me. If you think I am kidding you can just test me."


"Save your apologies for someone else because no amount will fix damage. As my mom would say "Almost everything has a fix. If you rip a pice of paper, tape will fix it. If you brake a wooden box, glue will fix it. If you brake a persons heart, no amount of apologies will fix." I am sorry ell, but you are no longer apart of my life."

"I am sorry you feel that way. I will make it easier for you and move away. I may live on the streets, but it will help you forget about me. If your brothers ask, I just disappeared. Bye Rydel."

With that, the love of my life slipped right out of my fingers. By now I was in tears. I may not want to be friends, but I still care about him. I don't want him to live on the streets.

I run outside to see if he was still there, but he was nowhere in sight. I just wish I could give him one more hug and tell him I love him before he left. It started to poor out rain, so I went back inside. I thought about calling one of my brothers to come pick me up, but it was no use. I went outside and started walking home in the pouring rain.

When I got home I ran to my room soaking wet. I went to my dairy/everything book and looked at a poem I wrote. I read it out loud.

If you...
If you jump, you will fall.
If you fall, it will hurt.
But if you put it all together and jump, fall, and hurt...
You meet depression and die.
-Rydel Lynch

I walked away thinking of tomorrow. School starts tomorrow. I doubt Ellington will show up after what happened earlier. I fell asleep in thoughts.

~the next day~

I woke up to my alarm going off.  I got up got dressed in a white crop top and a blue skirt that flows in the wind. I walk downstairs grab my keys and leave in chubs.

When I get to school I go to my locker and see 5 lockers down Ellington standing there looking like a bad boy. I never thought he would come after what happened. He sees me and smirks. He starts walking over to me. I really don't want to talk to him.

"Hey Rydel."

"Hi" I say in a whisper.

"Why so quiet little whore?!?"

Wow I never thought Ellington would say that to me.

"Why did you call me a whore?" I say scared to know the answer.

" it like not obvious. You are a bitch, slut, and whore."

"Oh...ok." I say and walk away.

Ellington pov

What on earth did I just say. Oh shit, I did not mean to be mean.

"What Rydel I did not mean that at all!" I say running over to her.

"It's fine Ell don't apologize. I get it."

"No, no, no, I came over to you to apologize about breaking up/cheating on you."

"Ellington I get it you wanted to be with her. You got sick and tiered of me. I was to old for you. Don't need to say your sorry because I know your not. If you were sorry you wouldn't have done damage. Yet, you choose to break my heart."

"No I really am sorry." I said sad she doesn't, believe me.

"Listen Ellington, cheating is a choice not a mistake. You chose to cheat." She said her voice raised and tears streaming down my face.


"Not sorry. Bye Ellington."

What do I do know?

*the next day*

When I got to school, Rydel was not there.

1st period -no Rydel
2nd period-no Rydel
3rd period -no Rydel
4th period -no Rydel
5th period -no Rydel
6th period -no Rydel
7th period -no Rydel

I was on my way home when I was passing the bridge. I saw a crowd around the middle of the bridge yelling something I could not make out.

I pull over and try to make out what they are saying. It was still not clear, so I get out the car and see...


hey peoples so I am sooooo mean😉
Who do you think it is?
On thanksgiving break, so that my mean I will post 2 chapters this week!

QOTD= what should happen next?

-Jada Lynch😘

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