Chapter 3

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Ellington pov

I was such a dick to Delly.

I wonder why she had so many bracelets on. I think she is hiding something from me, or if not everyone. Does she cut? No she wouldn't., or would she? Did she take the breakup that badly? I mean ya she ran away tears running down her face, but I didn't think she would harm herself.

"Hello is the small brain rat has in there working?!?"

"Bitch please!!! Your the one with the 'P' brain!"

"Well I was calling your name for like 2 hours." Rocky replied exaggerating the 2 hours.


We start walking to the mall. When we get there we go to GameStop and look for new games. When we don't find any good games, we go to the food court. I head to sushi (if you don't like sushi then your loss. Sushi is bæ) while Rocky goes to Burger King. As I am  waiting in line I spot someone familiar. Rydel. I wonder why she is here.

As I look at her I realize that she is in a slutty outfit and wearing a lot of makeup. If a random person looked at her, they would think she is a prostitute. I start walking over to her no knowing what I am doing. I just let my legs take me to my destination.

As I reach her, she doesn't realize I am here. I tap on her on her shoulder. Rydel jumps a bit and turns around. When she sees me her smile turns instantly into a sad frown.

"Hey Rydel! What's up?!?"

"Nothing much and you" she said in a mumble.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes just peachy, besides the fact that you broke up with me and went out with Kelly, I'm just fine." And with that she walked away leaving me breath taking from the words that she said.

I stood there for about 5 minutes until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around hoping it was Rydel's, but it was no other than Rocky's.

"Oh."I said in a sad tone.

"Well I feel so loved by my best friend turning around to see me and saying 'Oh'."

"Sorry I thought you were someone else."

"Oh it's fine, and who were you expecting?"

"Nobody, let's just go home."

Rocky nodded and we left. As we were walking I saw Delly kissing a boy I have never seen. When I saw them a painful tear ran down my face. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. How would she recover that fast? Well that's stupid, I broke up with rydel to be with Kelly and I got her right away so actually I don't feel bad. Even though a little part of me want to beat that guy up to little parts.

Rydel's pov

I saw Ellington walking my way and I had to act quickly. I saw a guy next to me and though of one thing to do. I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed a complete stranger. He shockingly kissed back. We kissed for about 3 minutes until I saw off the corner of my eye him walking away with a tear on his cheek. I pulled away and looked at the guy he was smirking. I put a look of disgust on and ran to my car. I turned it on and drove away. I have to admit that that guy was cute but my heart belongs with Ellington. I know it probably won't happen but there still is a chance. As I pulled up in front of the driveway I realize that Rocky and Ellington weren't home yet. I walked inside went upstairs and changed into the same clothes that I was in in the morning. I laid in bed and went on Facebook. I went to look at Ellington's profile and it 'said in a relationship'. I looked at his bio  and it said it 'took by Kelly Voosen'. I broke down in tears. I know I am not dating him and he probably I hates me, but I still have a little amount of feelings for him.

About 20 minutes later I heard the door open and close. I heard 2 pairs of footsteps come upstairs and when they got to the top they stopped. I was being my curious self and walk to the door and cracked it open. Nobody was there. I open the door wider and then a head popped in front of my face. The head classified to be no other then Ellington's.



"Can we talk?"

"Look Ellington there is nothing to talk about. You choose Kelly and I was heartbroken but that was you choice. I don't want to talk, so if you would just stay out of my life forever that would be amazing!!! Don't try to talk to me, we won't be friends, and if you come over don't bother me 'cause the damage you did to me and my life was lovely just amazing, so bye!!!!" I was so pissed that he would try to talk to me, doesn't he know he choose her over me!

"Oh... Ok bye."

With that I slammed the door in his face. I turned around and slid down the wall. I broke out into tears. I might still have a little feelings for him...ok a lot, but he doesn't love me and I need to except that (Even though it kills me inside).


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