Chapter 43- Annabeth and Percy's P.O.V.- 32 weeks

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Hey everyone so before you start reading this chapter there is something you need to be aware of. The chapter is titled "Annabeth and Percy's P.O.V." That is because there is a small part of this chapter that is told in Percy's P.O.V.; so go ahead and read on and I will talk to you at the end of the chapter.

Annabeth's P.O.V.

My baby, my little Lillie, is she alright. She has to be fine, but why hasn't she kicked yet? I thought anxiously, praying that at any moment I would feel her again. But nothing had happened yet, what was going on?

So many thoughts ran through my head as I looked around at my surroundings slowly. What had happened to me? Where was the truck that had hit my car and thrown me over to the other side of the road? It was nowhere in sight, I was thankful for one thing though; my car hadn't been overturned; if that had happened the turn out would have been a lot worse.

I felt okay, fine even but then the sharp pain came back from my arm again, and this time it was a lot worse. I dared to look down at my arm and gasped, it was a lot worse than I could ever have imanged. There was blood everywhere and my arm appeared to have been struck with some glass from the winshield. I couldn't tell if I was still losing blood, but I felt really dizzy and sick to my stomach but that wasn't important right now, I had to get help for Lillie, for me; Lillie still hadn't kicked and I didn't know if she was okay.

I leaned down as far as I could but moaned as The seatbelt caught my wound, the pain was too much. I smacked the dashboard with my hand that wasn't injured and began to sob helplessly, if I couldn't undo the seatbelt I couldn't get my phone which was in my purse, which was beside me and I couldn't reach it with the stupid seatbelt on.

This was all my fault, I drove when I wasn't supposed to be driving and my daughter could be dead right now for all that I know. I knew that if she was dead I would hate myself forever. Percy would hate me forever. Because this was all my fault I should have listened to the doctor, and I wouldn't be in this situation right now.

I used my hand that wasn't injured and tried to undo the seatbelt again, pressing down again and again but it wouldn't budge. Then I realised that it must be caught. I sobbed some more and knew that there was nothing I could do, I would have to wait for someone to come and see me, but no one was on this road right now and I knew it could be minutes, or it could be hours until someone could find me, and by then Lillie might be gone, if she wasn't gone already.

I decided to wait but then felt something that changed everything. I felt her move, it wasn't something huge but it was proof, she was still alive. I had to get out of this car, I had to do it for her. I would do anything for her.

I pressed the seatbelt again, putting all of my determination into it and growled as it wouldn't budge.

"Come on." I pleaded and then stopped, I was wasting valuable time, I needed to find another way out.

My feet, I could try to get my purse with my feet. I searched for my purse with my foot and tried to lift it up once I found it. I pulled it up slowly and growled when it fell, I tried a few more times and rejoiced when one was successful. I tried to reach it and whimpered when I felt a pain in my chest, but I didn't give up. I couldn't give up.

I was panting heavily as I pulled it to my chest but refused to give up. I reached inside quickly and wrapped my fingers around my phone, I quickly pulled it out and dialed 9-1-1 quickly with my fingers trembling.

"911 what's your emergency." I heard a voice say and was relieved as soon as I heard those words.

"My name is Annabeth... Annabeth Jackson." I stammered, "I've been in a car accident a truck hit my car, I'm 32 weeks pregnant and my arm is bleeding, I'm not sure how heavily. I have very sharp pains in my chest." I said and gasped as another pain hit me but this time it was in my uterus, I was terrified of it being a contraction, "And I think I'm having contractions, please help me, I don't know how long I can last." I said but my phone cut off, it must have been bad connection but I prayed that the woman on the line would have gotten my location and would send an ambulance.

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