Chapter 42- Annabeth's P.O.V.- 32 weeks

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Hey everyone so first off let me apologize for the time skip... I'm getting very annoyed lately and I did have a chapter written for 31 weeks but it got copyrighted and/or restricted and I have no idea why! I didn't want to rate it R so I decided to just delete it, I'm sorry for the inconvienience and I hope you enjoy this chapter (If I'm able to put it up) So here it goes.

I took a deep breath and pulled myself up from our bed slowly, looking around at my surroundings. I looked over at our clock and noticed that it was 11 am. I had slept this late? I never slept this late. I guess it was because Lillie was getting so close to being full term. Percy had painted the nursery light green last week and it was officially finished, that was just making me feel like we were even closer.

I walked over to our closet and then felt very nauseus suddenly, I rushed into our bathroom and  vomitted terribley into our toilet. I slowly lifted my head up after I was finished and sighed, I thought this was over. But then another scary thought crossed my mind, was I sick; could this be something other than morning sickness? I tried to get the thought out of my head but I couldn't, I wanted to call Percy, but Percy would be home soon why should I call him now?

I tried to calm myself down but it wouldn't work, I ended up giving in and calling Percy, because I knew that if it was serious, he deserved to know. I quickly dialed his number and He picked up on the first ring.

"Annabeth?" He asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Um..." I said, "I think so."

"What's going on!" He exclaimed, "I'll be right there!"

"No, Percy," I said, "Listen, I vomitted there's nothing else going on; I just feel a little sick, I'm okay there's no need to worry."

"Why did you cal then?" He asked slowly.

"Because I'm going to the doctor to make sure that nothing's wrong, and I thought you needed to know that."

"Okay," He said, "Thanks for calling, I'll talk to you later, oh and this evening when I get home I'm going to paint the nursery."

"Thanks, I love you." I said, using the words that we always used to end our conversations.

"Love you too."

I hung up my cell-phone and walked back into our bedroom and placed it on the bed. I knew it would be a few minutes until I left since I was still in my pajamas, I walked back into our bathroom and slipped my nightgown off and stepped into the shower.

I let the warm watter beat down my body and washed myself off, I tried to not think of being sick and decided to think of better things, Like how Lillie was going to be here very soon. And how her nursery would soon be finished, and how she was going to be so loved. I finished and stepped out of the shower and threw on a yellow and white striped tanktop and some shorts. I fed the cats and walked out of the door.

I got into my car and then realised, I wasn't supposed to drive. I blew it off and got in the car, I hadn't driven for my whole pregnancy one little time wasn't going to hurt. I got in the drivers seat and stuck my keys in the ignition and backed out of the driveway, I knew Percy would kill me if he knew that I was doing this, I bet he assumed that I was getting a ride with Piper.

I drove onto the highway, heading to a hospital when a truck came out of nowhere. It hit my car very fast and very hard, my car was moved to the other side of the road. I felt a very sharp pain in my right arm but that wasn't what I was worried about, was Lillie okay?

I should have listened to Dr. Kaylor, I shouldn't have tried to drive to the hospital.

Hey everyone so first of all I'm sorry for the horrible cliffhanger and I promise to update ASAP! Wattpad wouldn't let me upload chapter 41 so again I apologize for the time skip!

I'm going to be going back to school soon so I apologize in advance if my updates are farther apart and stop being almost everyday.

Here's your question of the chapter and I will talk to you later:

Q: What do you think will happen with Annabeth?

1) She will be fine and won't even have to go to the hospital.

2) She will be in the hospital for a while but the baby won't be born early.

3) The baby will be born early.

4) Other (Please leave in a comment)

:) Meg

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