The blonde started building an extremely atrocious excuse for a shelter.

A few large pieces of wood layered against each other representing a roof while leaves and grass covered the ground in an attempt for a bed. Two large leaves covered the front and back of the 'roof' making a door or window of sorts.

Naruto set his fists on his hips and puffed out his chest, feeling pride flow through him at his first attempt ever at building a shelter.

The atmosphere had become damp from all the water around him so he unzipped his jacket and tied it around his waist, leaving him in a plain white shirt with the leaf symbol on the front.

Naruto thought over his jutsu again and the hand signs and felt thankful he had found the lake since his jutsu needed water and he had quite the dry mouth to even think about using saliva at this point.

Taking a large gulp of water into his mouth and performing the hand signs, he focused his chakra and burst water out of his mouth.

Though it seemed, he must've done something wrong as water had come out in a cylindrical bullet-like form but had simply fallen out his mouth like drool.

'Obviously' The boy thought. He hadn't put enough pressure on his blow.

He tried again and this time using so much pressure in a breath, the blonde had gone slightly purple.

The ball of condensed water burst out the boy's mouth and landed about a meter in front of him. He collapsed to his knees, gasping for air and breathed out sadly at the lack of progress he was making. He thought about how his teammates were doing with their training but didn't have long to think as a large hazel coloured snake slithered its tail around Naruto's foot, the genin yelped and tried grabbing for a branch but missed and was pulled toward the snake's scaly head where it's fangs were ready to plunge into him.

Sakura was having a tough time with her Jutsu as she was tasked with medical ninjutsu, yet to practice that, she needed something alive or dead. Which meant the pink haired flower needed to go hunting.

She had silently worked her way around the area looking for anything small to catch when she was lucky enough to find a rabbit's nest, inside were four small fluffy little rabbits.

The pinkette smiled at the four and grabbed for one, sure it was cruel to experiment on a baby rabbit but nature was cruel and she needed to become stronger.

The rabbits were quite the fast little hoppers as they kept escaping her grasps and swiftly jumped out the nest, onto Sakura's head, as she was made to eat dirt, and back onto the ground.

Sakura, now agitated, hurriedly turned to catch the little critters but was interrupted as a massively large rabbit foot blocked her way.

She looked up and nervously smiled at the momma rabbit who, even though naturally a herbivore, looked very much like a carnivore at this point.

Sakura thought of the only reasonable thing to do before smiling, turned tailed and sprinting away. Momma rabbit took chase which caught the attention of Sakura as she heard the loud thumping against the ground rapidly nearing her. She thought over the survival percentage she had if she faced the beast head on and did not like the chances of survival.

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