Today's the day Pt. 1

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Marinette and her friends quickly ran away from the baguettes, it was instinct now. Their school was a magnet for Akumas, and most of them were caused by Chloe.

Everyone knew that even if the Akuma was targeting Marinette, they would be in danger too if they didn't move fast enough.

Marinette dodged the frosting balls François was spitting out. She gasped when she saw that the people caught in the frosting became stone. "We have to find a place to transform Marinette!" Tikki squeaked from inside the girl's purse.

"I know, I know. But he's after me!" she ran into the halls to try and lose the Akuma, she tried to silence her steps but she was too much in a hurry. She went around this corner and that, but soon she found a bathroom and closed the door. She panted a little, wishing to be as agile and light Ladybug was.

"Come back here you coward!" she heard François growl as his heavy steps echoed throughout the whole place. "Monsieur Baker it the best and I'll show it to you Marinette!" he roared, his large feet making the ground shake slightly with each step he took.

Tikki flew out of her Miraculous Holder's purse and waved her hands in front of her. "Marinette! Now!" she shouted. The girl blinked twice, and then nodded.

"Tikki, transforme moi!"

Adrien, thanks to his cat like reflexes, had quickly dashed away from the crowd and hid in a small closet. He called out and Plagg transformed him into his superhero form.

"Hey, over here cake man!" Chat Noir shouted, his voice coming from above. Monsieur Baker craned his neck to try and find the superhero. The cat boy was dangling from one of the set lights, a grin plastered on his face.

The Akuma roared and threw ninja star cookies at the blonde boy. Adrien's eyes widened and he quickly jumped around to dodge them. He leaped down and rolled as he landed on the wooden floor. He took out his baton and extended it to make a staff. He twirled it around for a quick warm up and charged at the monster.

Monsieur Baker spit out some of his frosting, but Chat was already creating a shield by spinning his staff at an incredible speed. He looked around, hoping to find something that could trap the akumatized boy in. He found some pillars that didn't hold up the structure, so he sprinted away and prepared himself to use his Cataclysm.

When he was about to yell out the special word, he saw Ladybug land in front of him, her yoyo creating another layer to his shield. "Sorry I'm late." She said, rubbing her neck with her free hand. "I had to help Marinette..."

"I hope she's okay." Chat said, concern filled his voice. "But I'm glad to see you my Lady~" he said, bowing ever so slightly before both of them had to run away from François' attacks.

"It's good to see you too, kitty." Ladybug said, she let out a small giggle and threw her yoyo at the Akuma's feet. "Capture him!" she yelled before pulling her yoyo with enough strength to make Monsieur Baker fall to his knees.

"Sure can do my Lady!" he winked at her playfully. "Catacysm!" Chat yowled out; he had already seen which pillars were perfect to capture the akumatized boy. He jumped towards the second floor and ran, his right hand touching metal for it to fall.

The pillars crashed into one another, creating a dome like cage, probably a temporal one too.

"Quick! Find where the Akuma is! I don't think that'll keep him for long." Chat said, walking to his partner's side. Ladybug nodded and looked at the villain from head to toe when she saw the dark purple hat. "Aha!" she threw her yoyo at it, wanting to grab it.

"Escape and capture them, bring their Miraculous now!" Hawkmoth growled when he saw what was about to happen.

"Oh no you don't!" Monsieur Baker growled, he spit twice at the ground and a shield sprout out from the wood. Ladybug's yoyo bounced off of it and landed on the ground.

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