Sore Loser

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"I'll see you later on then." Alya said as she hugged Marinette.
"Yeah, I'll probably be there already anyways." Marinette replied with a wave of her hand, Alya left to her own house.
Nathanael walked towards her, his shoulders slacked; "Hey M-Marinette," he said. "I wish you luck today, y-you know, at y-your competition."
The Dupain-Cheng smiled. "Thanks Nathanael! Will I see you there?" she asked. The boy nodded and managed a smile.
"You bet." Then he left.
Marinette smiled and turned to leave herself, but a hand stopped her gently by the shoulder.
"Do you want a ride home?" That was Adrien, Nino was by his side.
Earlier that day, Miss Bustier had made groups of three to write a small book for their Literature class. Marinette ended up with Adrien and Nino. They'd meet up on Friday at the Agreste Mansion to start the work while all of them brainstormed ideas; the job was due on Monday.
"S-Sure, t-thanks." Marinette stuttered before following the two boys into the limo. Once they all sat down, they began to talk. Marinette felt a bit more comfortable with Nino there, so she didn't stutter as much, she actually felt comfortable; she were even laughing at the jokes the boys made.
"The Dupain Bakery." Adrien's driver said with his monotone voice as he stopped the car gently.
"Thanks for the ride A-Adrien, and Adrien's driver." The girl said with a shy wave to the man, he just nodded. Adrien chuckled and shrugged as it were nothing. Nino was just grinning.
"Bye Marinette!" the blonde and his friend said in unison.
"We'll see you at the competition." Adrien added with a wink before Marinette closed the door. Nino lowered the window and they both smiled at her.
Marinette smiled back and waved awkwardly as the car left to the Agreste residence. She let out a sigh as she heard the familiar jingle of the door when she opened it; she greeted her parents and left to her room.
She sat at her computer and took out her sketchbook to examine the designs she had doodled earlier on her models.
"What are you doing Marinette?" Tikki asked the curiosity evident in her voice.
"I had a few designs in my head earlier while talking to Nino and Adrien at lunch." Marinette replied, "I just want to finish them." She took out her pencil and her wrist made those graceful traces she always did when working.
In just a few minutes she finished Adrien's and began to finish Nino's. She stuck her tongue out as she concentrated; her brows were furrowed, her eyes shining with determination.
"Hey! I haven't seen this one for a long time!" the kwami said as she pulled out a piece of paper that was hidden underneath some pictures of Adrien. It was an old sketch Marinette had for about a year, it was a short puffy dress that would probably reach her knees.
"I really like design but I don't know what colour scheme it should have..." the young fashion designer mumbled as she rested her chin on her table. She eyed the paper and let out a groan. "This one has given me more headaches than Chloe would."
"And if you try looking around?" Tikki suggested with a shrug. Marinette pouted but did as told, her eyes roamed her room, pink, white, green and blue... none of them made her eyes widen in excitement.
"There's nothing Tikki," she said while looking at her kwami. "All that I see now is you a─" she stopped as she took a good look at her magical creature. She grabbed the right crayons and began to franticly colour her dress as fast as lightning.
"Tikki, you are a genius." Marinette praised as she held her notebook to take a better look at it. The dress was mostly red but with a few black spots and black laces decorating the top and the bottom of the dress. Ladybug style.
"I just helped you out Mari." The red kwami replied. "You know, you could make a whole fashion line inspired by Chat and you." She suggested.
Marinette shrugged. "I don't know, I've been thinking about that for some time, but I'd do it just for fun."
"Doesn't matter, hey, let's get going. The competition." Marinette sprang up from her seat and hurried as she got ready.
"Marinette, five minutes and we leave." Tom called from the stairs.
"Okay Dad, give me a sec." She tied her hair in a bun and nodded to herself. "Now where is my apron?"

"Remember, you're a Dupain-Cheng, you are the greatest baker and fashion designer I know. Now go there and show them who you are!" Tom said as he kissed Marinette's forehead.
"Thanks Papa, I'll do my best!" Marinette replied with a slight blush.
"Good luck dear!" Sabine added as she pushed her daughter gently towards her stand.
It was the annual baking competition that was held every year for young bakers, the winner would be given a good amount of money and their sweets would be featured at the Gabriel Agreste's fashion show. Marinette had won only once, she was ten back then, oh, she was more than happy when she won, Gabriel had even congratulated her himself and personally took her to his show. That was the first time she saw his son, Adrien Agreste. She had seen him a few times in magazines and on billboards but she only thought he was cute, boy was her surprise when she saw the young model enter her classroom in the middle of the semester a few years later. Her heart skipped a beat that day, and since then, she learned to truly love the boy for who he was.
Alya and Nathanael were the first ones to arrive; the redhead had brought her a small gift, a small drawing of her, coloured and even wrapped in tape so it wouldn't get dirty or anything.
"Sorry if it looks messy, it was sort of made at the last minute, b-but I hope you like it M-Marinette." He had said, his cheeks heating up by the second. Even after the events of him being possessed by an Akuma, he didn't quiet stop liking—loving Marinette, it's not like he remembered anything, right? Right...?
"Not, it's okay!" Marinette had replied she opened her bag and carefully slid the picture in; she almost showed Tikki in the process but managed to hide her red Kwami. Alya gave her a wink and left to her seat.
The rest of her friends arrived, but her heart began to sink when she didn't see Adrien in the crowd. Is he not going to come? She thought. She frowned a little; it was so hard for her to invite the young model to her competition and he wasn't here yet... She shook her head to clear her thoughts, Adrien's going to come, he wouldn't ditch a friend.
The judges were starting to sit at their respective seats, but there was one missing. Almost every year, Gabriel wouldn't be able to make it; he wouldn't be able to attend to the small event that was a small necessity at his fashion shows. It was usually Nathalie that took his place as judge; no one ever said a thing about it. Gabriel Agreste was a busy man, wasn't he?
A car pulled up outside of the building and, both Adrien and Nathalie ran out of it. Gabriel's assistant seemed worried about getting late, she never got late, and she never... never brought her boss' son late to an event. Adrien was the one who looked more preoccupied; his face was filled of regret and shame. How could have he forgotten Marinette's competition? He got so caught up with Ladybug while fencing that he completely forgot; it was Plagg who had reminded him about the event when he took his break. Adrien had called Nathalie and he could see her stiffen up at the other end of the call. He actually had to leave early from fencing class to go home and take a shower to rub off all the sweat he had collected.
"Sorry we're late, we had a little complication." Nathalie told the other judges, they just laughed, but some were actually surprised. Gabriel just didn't have any time to attend, but he was never late to anything, and neither was his son, (until now at least).
"Nathalie, may I be the judge this year?" Adrien asked just before his "babysitter" sat on her chair. The woman looked at the rest of the judges and they nodded.
"May we ask why you're interested in being judge this year Monsieur Agreste?" a woman with purple dyed hair asked Adrien as he sat down beside her.
The boy gave a nervous chuckle. "Well..." his cheeks heated up, though he didn't notice it. "My friend is here, last time I tried what she baked, it melted in my mouth." He said. "B-But I won't give her any extra points anyways, plus, I have very good taste." He added.
The judged rolled their eyes, but nodded. They all stood to commence the event.
"You're blushing~" Plagg whispered from inside Adrien's jacket. The blonde boy eyed him suspiciously.
"I'm not..." he whispered as he smiled at the crowd when his name was called out. He looked at the contestants, most of them were girls, but there were a good amount of boys too. He waved a bit and caught Marinette's eyes, she was looking at him with her eyes as wide as saucers, her mouth agape and her eyebrows held up so high that they disappeared under her hair, her cheeks were bright red. She wasn't expecting Adrien to be a judge; she thought it was going to be Nathalie!
Ping! She checked her phone and sure enough, there was a message from Alya. "They say that a way to conquer man is through their stomach ;)" Marinette's heart stopped for a mid second, she let the breath she was holding in and sent a blushing emoji to her friend.
She actually looks cute when blushing. Adrien thought with a chuckle as he watched Marinette gave him a shy smile, he winked at her.
"I knew you thought that. I wonder why you can make Marinette blush easily but not Ladybug." Plagg snickered as he poked Adrien's chest slightly.
His eyes widened at the realization that he had spoken out loud. "Shut up Plagg!"Adrien hissed while giving his kwami a short glare. The black creature didn't say anything, he just kept grinning. Oh that boy was so oblivious. The kwami wasn't dumb, he could hear Adrien mutter why Marinette acted so different around him in the shower, he had heard him chuckling at the jokes Marinette did with Alya and Nino, even if he heard them from afar. Plagg knew Adrien wanted to get to know the girl better, but Adrien didn't know that.
"Welcome once again to the annual baking contest, we are airing live from Paris ladies and gentleman; we have many bakers today as you can see. All of them seem to be excited to begin. If you are new to this event, I'll give you a quick description." Said the Show's host excitedly, yes, this event was so big that it was featured in the local TV. "Every year, Gabriel Agreste has a grand surprise for us, and he just gives one clue to these young bakers so they can create the most delicious sweets in the whole city, the winner has a free ticket to the fashion show and their sweets are open to famous models and designers of the entire world!"
Adrien could remember his first fashion show like it was yesterday, going down the catwalk with clothes his mother had designed back then, it was a cute outfit, modeling for kids his age to look formal and elegant yet cute at weddings and such. The cookies and cupcakes were always so bitter to him, he never liked them. Too hard, too sweet, not enough sugar, burnt, raw... it wasn't until he complained to his mother that they started to hold up a baking competition to get the best sweets, it was when they moved to Paris that life changed, life seemed a bit more sweeter for the Agreste family, that is, before Gabriel's wife passing... everything seemed to become grey and white. Geez, even the house changed colour, instead of being of nice warm homey colours, Gabriel had changed them to various tones of grey. That house was too big for just two people, three people once Nathalie was contracted.
The first time Marinette won, his memory had been blurry, for his mother had passed away that same year, but the way she baked at such young age, with passion and love. When he bit into the cat shaped cookie (animal themed fashion show), his heart warmed up immediately, it was like all the sorrow was gone, like he was at his home when it used to be warmer, the smell of cinnamon and vanilla were comforting to him, and not long ago did he smell that on Marinette and on Ladybug. Yes, her baking was the best he ever tried, and when he ate what she brought for lunch, his heart fluttered and he felt like he could eat many more just to feel free, to feel loved again. J'amie le biscuit, he had said to the young girl that was close by, her dark blue hair tied up in two lovely pigtails, her bangs covering one heaven coloured blue eye, she seemed very kind and sweet, loving and caring. The memory had moved from his brain to his heart, Marinette would always be in his heart for being the person she is, for bringing him a small amount of happiness. She hadn't blushed when he said that back then, all she said was Merci, and added a little bow with a warm smile.
"This year Gabriel Agreste's fashion show will be inspired by our local heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir!"
"Good thing we practiced with clothes inspired by them." Tikki whispered from inside Marinette's jacket, the kwami had hid in there to give her some advice and to get to smell he goodies better.
Marinette couldn't help but giggle. She let out a sigh as she looked around at her contestants, she a few of them were familiar to her, and others were simply new. Ladybug and Chat Noir, well, she could do that.
Vanilla and chocolate, mint and strawberries. She could see the final result and grinned, she knew Ladybug and Chat Noir like the back of her hand. Her good luck was in her favour today.
First was round was cupcakes, they had to be inspired by Ladybug.
Marinette watched as the rest of the contestants looked at each other, wondering who would go and get their ingredients first. She let out a soft chuckle and jogged towards the strawberries and grabbed a few of them, as if on cue, the rest followed suit and grabbed their own ingredients.
Adrien watched all of them, curious. Mostly because he knew nothing about cooking/baking, but the way Marinette moved around her workspace with grace was actually astonishing for Adrien, she was always a stuttering and clumsy mess each time he saw her; but she looked so concentrated and relaxed, contrary to what the model always saw. That spark in her eyes was so familiar, the shade of blue too. For crying out loud, Marinette wasn't even the Marinette Adrien knew on a daily basis, she was in her own world, the world where she was at control; he sometimes glanced at Marinette when she was sketching at lunch, she did graceful movements and her words didn't slur as she spoke to Alya or Nino. His heart fluttered when Marinette caught his gaze, he smiled sheepishly at her and the girl quickly broke eye contact to continue decorating the cupcake she was making. He could swear she mumbled something into her jacket, just like he would do with Plagg sometimes. His gaze fell over the other girls around his age in the competition, they were all messy with flour from head to toe; there was even some frosting on their faces. He stifled a laugh when he saw them, in comparison to Marinette; the girls seemed a bit stressed by the given amount of time. His best guess was that Marinette has had less time than the one given; she lived in a bakery for goodness' sake!
This time, he looked at the boys that had come, there was this chubby one that seemed clam too, relaxed. His companions were a bit calmer than the girls, but still messy. Squinting slightly, he saw the boy's name; François...the name seemed familiar to him.
"It seems that Marinette and François are the lead here." The host said while walking towards Marinette. "Tell me Marinette, do you know who François is?"
Adrien saw Marinette roll her eyes, again, familiar. "Yes, I do;" she mumbled while she kept her eyes on her cupcakes. "His parent's bakery is one of the best of Paris." She said with a shrug, as it were nothing. Suddenly a smirk covered her face and she giggled. Familiar... "But that doesn't mean that I can't beat him."
The host just laughed. "She seems confident, I like that!" she said as she wished the Dupain-Cheng luck and walked towards François.
Gabriel had once bought bread from that bakery; Nathalie had to go to the other side of the city to get it. French bread, it was actually good, Adrien didn't deny it, but the French bread from Tom Dupain was heaven to his mouth, he, like Marinette, baked with love and passion, and that's what their bread tasted like. Love.
"Times up kiddos! Hands off your cupcakes! Let me see'em!" everyone left their cupcakes be, their hands lifted above their head as if they were to be arrested. Marinette was actually confident that year, if not her smirk wouldn't still be there.
There were four judges, one woman and the rest men, or boy in Adrien's case. Two by two, the contestants walked up to the front with their respective cupcakes. Marinette and François were the last on to pass; François' cupcakes had small hearts decorating them, one of them had 'Ladybug' written in the middle and surrounded by hearts.
Adrien felt his heart tighten and his brows furrow, he didn't noticing it, but he was clutching the sheets of the table. "Psst! Adrien, don't get jealous, you get to spend time with Ladybug all the time!" Plagg whispered. The boy blushed at the realization and immediately relaxed.
He didn't pay attention to what François was saying; he just heard raspberries and white chocolate. Ladybug isn't like raspberries, she's more like... strawberries. Sweet. Adrien thought. Plus, she smells like vanilla. He bit into the small cupcake piece he had cut, it tasted great, but there was something missing... he couldn't quite place it.
"What do you say about it Monsieur Agreste?" the judge on his left asked.
Adrien tilted his head to a side as he looked at François, he saw the older boy stiffen slight, so the blonde straightened back up and smiled warmly at him. "The cupcake was delicious, but let me tell you one thing; I would associate Ladybug with vanilla and strawberries. Sweet and light." He said with a slight grin. "Seventeen out of twenty five. Good job."
The next judge also said something about the raspberries being a bit sour, and the white chocolate didn't really represent the young heroine. "Fifteen."
"Those are eighty nine points for this young baker! Marinette, please, tell us about your cupcake."
The girl straightened up and smiled as she came to the front and placed the cupcakes in front of the four judges. "It's a really light cupcake, its soft texture tastes like vanilla and there are some strawberries in there. The frosting is strawberry and it represent's Ladybug's yoyo." She said proudly as she leaned on the balls of her feet. "Oh, and the spots are dark chocolate, it's strong like her." She added with a blush as she glanced at Adrien.
When it was his turn to speak, he looked at her dead in the eye, his own green eyes shining. "I guess you and I had the same idea." He said with a chuckle, he noticed that Marinette giggled, he noticed that her cheeks lit up like a stoplight, he loved it. "It melts in my mouth, I love it. And the dark chocolate, great touch. I'll give you a twenty four." He said with a nod.
"Thank you, Adrien." She said with a slight bow. "Merci."
"I totally agree with Adrien here Ms. Dupain-Cheng, but ... tell me, since when have you been baking?" the last judge asked, she looked at the young girl curiously.
"Well, I started to help my dad with the dough when I was eight, I baked a few cookies when I was nine, my parents didn't know though, they were scared that I'd get burnt, but years of watching my parents work around the kitchen made me understand the seriousness of the task..."
"Do you love to bake, Marinette?"
"It's more of a hobby..." the blue eyed girl said as she rubbed her neck, she felt a bit nervous. She held her hands behind her back and continued. "But I put a lot of love into everything I bake and make." She said, referring to the sweets and her clothes.
"That's what every baking needs, Marinette, love! Love always makes things sweeter." She said.
"Twenty three."
"And there we have it; Marinette Dupain-Cheng has a total of ninety three points. She's at the top my friends, François right behind her! I think this will be a heated competition folks! Round one has finished! We'll be returning after these commercials!"
People clapped as Marinette and François walked back to the kitchen together, they were smiling, faking as if it were just a friendly competition, but once they were alone, the grins and fake compliments were given.
"Good luck trying to win this year, François." Marinette said with her hands on her hips. "You don't want to burn yourself out, do you?"
François rolled his eyes. "Oh, you'll see Dupain, you'll see. What'll come out burnt is your pride. Au revoir fille!"
"Salut!" Marinette replied as she left her competitor in the kitchen to go with her friends. She sneaked in a piece of cupcake to her kwami before being attacked by Alya's hugs.
"Oh la la Marinette! François is good looking, no?" Alya teased. "What did you tell him in the kitchen? Tell me?"
Marinette rolled her eyes. "Alya, he's my only rival in these things, we're sorta like friends but we're not." She said. "I said that I'd win, because I'm the best! Haha!" she said, laughing.
Alya giggled. "I made some extra cupcakes if you want some!" her friend added as she gave one to the journalist. Alya sank her teeth into the small goodie and she groaned.
"Marinette, this is so good~" the redhead exclaimed. "No wonder Adrien gave you such high points, this is great!"
"Let me try!" Mylène said as she came towards her friends. Marinette gave her one and the girl almost melted on spot.
Nathanael came towards them and his crush gave him one too. He closed his eyes quickly as he chewed the soft bread. His heart fluttered as his tongue tasted the cupcake. "My god Marinette, this is great!" he said, smiling brightly.
"You have to win Marinette! If the rest is as good as these, you have to win!" her friends said in unison, their fists in the air.
The young designer giggled, but she turned around when her name was called. She saw Adrien coming towards her and she held her hand close to her chest.
"Hey, can I speak to you for a minute?" the boy asked as he looked down at her.
"I... uh, s-sure." She stuttered, her cheeks heating up immediately. Adrien smiled and grabbed her wrist gently to drag her to some quieter place. Oh my god... he grabbed my hand, I mean my wrist... yeah, *sigh*
"You're doing a great job out there. But, hey, I brought you this." He took out a small box from his jacket and handed it to Marinette. He saw her look at the box hesitantly before she took it in her hands. "Go ahead, open it." He said while leaning on the wall.
The box clicked and Marinette's eyes widened. It was a small bracelet with a small ladybug attached to it. She looked at Adrien, confused.
He himself was confused; he didn't understand why he had bought it for her. Perhaps it was because he saw a different side of her as Chat Noir, perhaps it was the determination and braveness he saw when she was with the Evillustrator, perhaps it was because she started to have effect on him, perhaps it was her attempts to come and say 'Hi' to him or give him one of her warm smiles every day. He didn't know what it was, but he felt like he just had to do it. He gave her a ladybug because sometimes, she reminded him of his Lady...
"T-thank you A-Adrien, but I can't accept it, it's too much." She said, eying the jewels that it was made of.
The boy laughed softly, smiling warmly. "Please, I insist Marinette." He said, grinning slightly. Perhaps it was just because he wanted to be friends with her; perhaps it was because he unconsciously was attracted to her in some way...
"Here, let me put it on." He said, grabbing her hand gently and holding it in between his fingers. He took the bracelet and put it around her small wrist, the ladybug charm hanging underneath.
Marinette would have been screaming at the top of her lungs if she could, at least she could scream internally. But her face was priceless, her eyes wide, cheeks blushing furiously and eyebrows crocked in a confused expression. "Th-thanks..." she breathed.
Adrien caressed her knuckled with his thumb and let go, nodding. "No problem Marinette, the show will start up again in a few minutes, I better go. Good luck again!" he said, waving before disappearing in the crowd.
"What did I do to deserve this?" Marinette asked out loud, she let out a sigh and looked at the bracelet. She giggled, she herself was a lucky charm, Tikki was a lucky charm and now another ladybug as another lucky charm. Funny.
"Cupcakes and cookies inspired by Chat Noir!"
Adrien watched as Marinette and François darted over to the ingredients before any of the other kids, he saw that both his friend and her 'rival' had gotten the same ingredients. "It seems like Marinette know what flavours go with each superhero." He commented to the one of the judges. She nodded.
"...and François seems to be copying her." She noted with a frown. "Let's see who is best, shall we?"
"Marinette has ninety eight points, round 2."
"François ninety."
"All of you have lost this round, you're out. Good luck next time."
"Three levelled Ladybug and Chat Noir cakes, now!"
There were four contestants left, Marinette, François, Marie and Gustav. They had come out with very high points, each with their own different style and baking; unique.
Marinette had her sketchbook open, she started to do a quick sketch on the pages, the first floor Ladybug, the second Chat and the third would be a mix of them. Adrien even saw his almost friend look down at the bracelet he had given her to get some inspiration. Then, she started working fast.
Everything seemed to blur for Adrien, the glances towards his friends in the crowd and in the kitchen, the conversations with the other judges, the complaints from Plagg, Nathalie's scolding when he began to doze off... the bell rang in his ears and his eyes snapped open.
The four cakes were stunning, all of them had the black spots of a ladybug, but only one had an exact copy of Theo's statue in the park, and that was François'...
"Pass to the front, all of you."
"Marie and Marinette." Both of the girls began to walk towards the table, but Marinette glanced back at François, he was scowling and frowning at the girl, the Dupain-Cheng gave him a glare before turning back towards the judges. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes slightly to calm her nerves down.
Marie started to ramble about her cake, explained a bit too much about every level. 'She used strawberries for Ladybug and dark chocolate for Chat Noir, the last level was vanilla and chocolate. She got eighty five points for it.
She spoke calmly, proudly and confident. She didn't stutter and she kept a cool face at all times. She made small gestures with her hands as she explained; her words were strong and passionate. "I hope you like it." Were her final words before the judges sank their teeth in their respective pieces of cake.
Marinette almost jumped in joy when she saw the reactions of the judges. Her heart warmed up more than it was already and she couldn't help but clutch both of her hands in front of her. Yes, she wanted to win. The last time she won, was many years ago and the memory is a blur. When Gabriel took her to that fashion show, it only increased her desire to become a designer; and now that she learned so much more, she wanted to go and feed that ambition. A tiny part of her wanted to win because she could see Adrien model, but that wasn't why she liked him, she could see the emptiness he had in his as he model, the smile was forced to look natural... she hoped Adrien could model her own designs to see if she could fill that emptiness he had, she wanted to win to modeling could be a bit more pleasurable to the young Agreste.
"Ninety nine points for this young baker!" the host exclaimed as she looked at the camera and back to Marinette. The girl was had her hands close to her face, smiling gladly. She bowed to the judges, mumbling thank you many times before retreating.
"François and Gustav."
Both of the boys came to the front, slowly because it seemed that their cakes were pretty big. Marinette could see François' hands trembling, if he wasn't careful his cake could─
François lost his balance for a moment and his cake dipped to a side. He closed his eyes, waiting for the spat of cake on the ground, but it never came. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Marinette on the other side, holding his cake upright.
"You should be more careful." She said with a smile. François looked relived for a second but then turned his face to a side. He wrinkled his nose.
"I am careful, your frosting made me slip." He growled. Marinette flinched; she didn't expect him to take this rivalry so seriously. She said nothing as she saw him walk towards the table once she again. "You're stupid cream could've ruine─"
He wasn't looking when he was walking and he bumped into the table, dropping the cake on Adrien and the judge beside him.
Gasps could be heard throughout the whole room and François opened his eyes wide.
Marinette covered her mouth with her hands and ran towards Adrien. "You okay?" she asked him as she tried to clean his face from frosting. She also tried to help the other judge but she dismissed the Dupain-Cheng.
"François, we were going to give you full points for such a creative cake, perhaps a ninety eight or something for the taste. But now! You foolishness has caused this, you are disqualified François!"
"We were also going to discount you points for being extremely rude." Another judge said. Adrien stayed quiet, he didn't say a word, knowing it wasn't his place to speak. He thanked Marinette for the cloth she was using to clean his face and saw François storm off stage.
Gustav hadn't said a word either, his cake still in hands. "Come here boy, let's try that cake of yours." He obeyed and the judged tried it, Adrien and the other judge not complaining about being dirty.
"This could be the end for Marinette or it could be her chance of winning." The host said, trying to calm himself down. "Marinette has a total of ninety nine points, if Gustav gets the more than that, he wins..."
Adrien crossed his fingers underneath the table, he also crossed his legs. He say the rest of Marinette's friends to the same, he smiled hopefully.
"Ninety eight."
"Marinette is this year's winner!"
Screams and claps from Marinette's family and friends filled the whole room, they all came running towards her, giving her a group hug. Adrien came to, he was one of the first ones to hug her, though she didn't mind him covering her all up in frosting, it actually covered up her blush and she was glad for it.
"Congratulations girl!" Alya said happily. Marinette giggled, she looked towards the ceiling and closed her eyes. She was going to Gabriel Agreste's Fashion Show!
Before any of them could congratulate Marinette more, there was an explosion and a cloud of dust covered the whole place.
"I deserved to win! I am the best baker in all of Paris! You don't deserve that prize Marinette!" a voice roared furiously. From the dust, a huge humanoid figure came out, his was very tall and his body was honey coloured. He looked like a huge bread man, though he looked more terrifying than it sounds. His fingers were sharp and when he swung them, sharp end baguettes were aimed straight at Marinette.

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