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Marinette didn't sleep well that night, she seemed surprised, scared even. She stared eyes wide at the ceiling for hours. Tikki had tried to get to get some shuteye but the girl wouldn't even respond. The young Dupain would occasionally look out the window, probably expecting Chat Noir to jump in and say, "Are you okay Princess?" At the end she slept sometime around dawn, but waking up would be the next hard step.
"Wake up Marinette!" Tikki had been yelling for about an hour and the Miraculous holder still didn't reply, she didn't even move! The ladybug Kwami tried an alarm clock, stinky clothes, drop something heavy on her. Nothing! "I didn't want to do this." She said as she filled her tiny mouth with water and spit it in the girl's face.
She sprang up from bed, the wild look in her eyes made Tikki more nervous than she already was. "Come on Mari, it's getting late." Marinette was literally dragging her limbs on the floor as she got ready.
When she had managed to get her clothes on and brush her hair decently,(I repeat, "decently".) both of them walked downstairs to get some coffee, but not even the strongest of coffee could wake the unmasked hero.
The walk to school was unbearable, she yawned constantly and almost fell asleep twice. Tikki knew she had to hurry before Marinette fell asleep in the middle of nowhere.
"How long were you up?" Alya asked when she saw her friend stumble up the stairs.
"I dunno..." Mariette replied, her head bobbing up and down as she tried to stay awake. There were bags under her eyes, it was only her good luck that Chloe hadn't showed up to humiliate her, but it was only a matter of time.
Alya grabbed her arm and dragged her sleepyhead of a friend into the school; the brown red head took their stuff out from their respective lockers and pulled her friend into their first class. Tikki had been smart enough to wake Marinette a bit early so she could get some sleep at school.
The journalist made sure her best friend was comfortable in her seat, she took of her top shirt to make a pillow for the designer, and all she had on was her sleeveless undershirt that she always wore. She didn't mind as long as Marinette got some sleep.
"Merci Alya." The girl said before she tucked her head inside her arms and makeshift pillow.
"No problem Marinette, anything for..." when Alya turned around, she found her friend fast asleep. "Sleep well Marinette." She took out a comb and began to gently finish brushing Marinette's hair, it was a mess.

"Good morning Plagg!" Adrien said happily when he woke. He jumped out of bed and stretched a little.
The kwami opened one eye to watch the boy waltz around his room as he got ready for the day. "Someone seems to be in a good mood." He commented with a grin.
"Oh Plagg, I'm feeling great." Adrien replied as he stole a look at the window, he let out a sigh before walking to the washroom to take a quick shower and brush his teeth.
While the boy was busy, Plagg let out a sigh. He could see how distracted Ladybug had been; he didn't want the boy hurt. The kwami wasn't dumb, but it was funny to him how humans were blinded by their stupid love. He wanted to go find Tikki to ask her what happened to Ladybug after she told her what happened. He needed to know, but he couldn't just leave, Tikki could be anywhere! Well, perhaps not. He had been connecting dots ever since the incident with the Evillustrator; everyday at school, Plagg could hear how insecure and shy Marinette was, but she was a totally new person when he and Adrien met up with her. She was determined to help Chat Noir defeat Nathanael; she didn't run away, she wasn't afraid, she stood against her classmate without any hesitation. Her eyes shone in determination the same way Ladybug's eye did. Of course he wasn't sure if Marinette was Ladybug, but he knew he had to confirm his hy-paw-thesis. He snickered at his own pun, but then remembered what he was thinking and frowned.
"Hey, you okay Plagg?" Adrien asked when he got out of the shower, he was only wearing pants and he was drying his hair. The kwami was slouching and he seemed deep in thought.
"No... I need my cheese..." he groaned weakly, he lolled his head to a side to emphasis his point.
The boy laughed and put a shirt on. "Give me a moment then, I'll be right back." He said and left the room. The cheese in his room had run out last night, so Adrien had to stash some up later on.
"Pffew... at least I'm good at lying." He mumbled as he rubbed his empty tummy.
On his way to school, Adrien was humming to himself and he kept staring at the window. His driver had given him a funny look because it was so rare to see the boy smile. When his car stopped, Adrien thanked his driver energetically and climbed out.
"Lover boy is happy~" Nino teased when he saw him, he was just glad to see his friend like that.
"Something great happened yesterday." The model said as he let out a long sigh.
Nino raised his eyebrows. "What happened bro?" he asked, wanting to know what made his friend so happy.
"Hey, where are Marinette and Alya?" the blonde said trying to evade the question. He couldn't tell Nino that he had a date with Ladybug; it was sound weird and impossible. Perfect excuse.
"Huh? Oh them, Marinette came a bit earlier than usual, but she looked like she were to fall asleep any minute. She's probably sleeping right now in our first class. Alya was helping her." Nino said as he remembered seeing their girl friends stumble inside.
"Did she not sleep well?" Adrien said to himself. "Let's go check on her." He said.

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