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First Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic! This idea just popped into my head while eating ice cream. Hope you enjoy!
All characters belong to our extremely awesome Hawkdaddy!
Ps: I had published this in FanFiction.net so I decided to publish it here too.

She was fidgeting with her fingers ever since she started her walk to school; her blue eyes were wide open and her breathing was quick. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was certainly nervous.
"It'll be alright Marinette. How can he say no?"Tikki said.
Yeah, maybe Tikki is right, Marinette thought as she met up with Alya at the school main door. She was expecting a "hi" from her friend, instead Alya began to question her.
"Are you ready?" she crossed her arms across her chest and looked at the secret superhero straight in the eye.
The navy blue haired girl looked at her, clearly confused. "Ready? For what?"
Alya let out a squeal. "To ask Adrien out of course!" she looked more excited about that idea than Marinette was.
"I never told you that..." Marinette whined as she covered her blush with both of her hands. She would remember if she told Alya all about the plan, and she bet her secret identity that she didn't tell the journalist.
The brown-red head giggled. "You've been mumbling about it all week last week!" she exclaimed.
That's when it hit; Marinette had been talking to Tikki about it over and over. She mentally face palmed herself for not being a bit more discreet. She let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just... I just wanted to this on my on you know. I realized that if I want some progress with Adrien, I had to stop being nervous around him." she concluded.
Alya was near to dramatically tears and hugged her best friend. "Oh I'm so proud of you!" she said, the pride in her voice could clearly be heard.
Marinette hugged back, she smiled. "I've had a good teacher!" she said, they both laughed.
"Hey girls! What's up?" Nino asked as he walked towards the girls. Both of them waved at Nino. "Adrien will be here any minute now." He teased with a cheeky grin.
"Nino!" the Chinese-French scolded with a blush.
Alya and Nino were actually good friends, it was wasn't long after that Nino began to help the journalist try to get the designer and the model together for good.
Nino once told Alya that he was getting tired of Adrien being so oblivious. "It's just so frustrating!" He said once.
Adrien's car pulled up on the sidewalk and the boy climbed out of the vehicle. He smiled widely when he saw Nino, Alya and Marinette.
"There he comes..." Nino and Alta cooed. The designer rolled her eyes and clutched her books tighter to her chest. "Good morning." He said once he reached them.
She felt excited, nervous, thrilled; it wasn't the same thrill she felt as Ladybug, but it was a kind of thrill that came up when she played out all the scenarios her mind would create, it was a thrill that felt like hope. All Marinette whished now was that Chloe or Hawkmoth wouldn't interrupt her plan. I hope my good luck is on my side today, she thought,
"Good morning Adrien." Alya and Nino replied instantly, but Marinette hadn't uttered a word, Adrien was wearing the scarf she made for him, she was just glad that he was happy.
Hope, it was something she wanted everyone to have. She never gave her hopes down for Adrien, she knew it was possible, she could make it possible. Marinette gave Adrien some hope when she said nothing about her making that scarf, she gave him the hope that his father actually cared for her, that his father loved his son...
"You okay Marinette? You look a bit flushed." Adrien brought her back to reality and flushed a bit more.
"N-No, I-I'm fine, I-I just feel a little... hot, yeah. It's warm today." She mumbled.
Adrien looked at her funny, it was actually cold that day. The sun was only providing them with light instead of warmth; that was the reason why Adrien had brought his scarf. "Oh yeah, very warm." He said as he winked at her. Marinette's heart fluttered when he did that, she managed a small smile.
"Adrieen~" That was Chloe, she was running towards then and she dragged him away from his friends, the model let out a sound of annoyance though.
"Hey... Chloe." He said, the annoyance and disappointment was clear in his voice, his childhood friend (If he were to call her like that,) was always dragging him away at the wrong times.
"Hey Adrien~" she cooed with a flutter of her eyes. Adrien swore he saw mini hearts float behind her, and that made him uneasy. "I was hoping you could sign... this?" she asked him hopefully as she held out only a small fragment of the roll of paper she had in her arms. The blonde frowned, this was the second time she asked him this, he knew it was a poster of him because they recently released one last Friday. Plus, last time she wrote something on the poster he didn't know about and made some other girls feel bad, he didn't want that to happen again.
"Look Chloe, you know how I feel about autographs. No." he said firmly. He raised his hand to stop Chloe from saying anything else and left with no other words. But he could hear the complaints and cries of frustration that were directed towards Sabrina, like she was at fault. Adrien grimaced at that; he didn't like that about his friend... she was always bossy towards the others. I feel bad for her, he thought.
He opened his locker and started to take his books out.
"Psst! Got any cheese?" Plagg asked from inside Adrien's shirt. That kwami cat was always hungry for cheese.
The boy sighed and smiled as he gave his kwami some cheese, Plagg let out a sound of joy as he swallowed it whole.
"Now let's get to class lazy cat."

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