You're crazy!

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~chapter 3~


"Girl,You're crazy!" Yelled Stacia,the Emo looking girl, "you beat pretty boys ass and went shamika on that blonde skank." "Are you sure you ain't black?" I laughed as I asked her. "Nope. I wish though."

"Me too!" Said Vickie as we walked to my ride. "Sweet ride!" The girls yelled in unison. "Thanks. My mom gave it to me this morning. But anyway where you girls wanna go to eat?" They looked at each other then yelled, "POPEYES!" I died of laughter. "You guys really must be black."

They chuckled and then hopped in the back as I hopped in the front seat. "Hey. Can I ask you guys a question?" "Sure." They responded. "Are the people in this school racist?" "Yeah. Except for us. They pick on us because well I'm Asian and because Stacia isn't a wanna-be-barbie. But you need to stay away from them especially Luca because rumor is he is part of the KKK."

THE KKK! OH SHIT. "I guess I shouldn't have publicly whooped his ass and that explains why he said 'my kind'." "Yeah but let's forget about it cuz I want some fried chicken and mashed potatoes." Said Stacia. "My mom will love you." I said chuckling then we all bursts out laughing.

~after lunch~

After lunch me and the girls had to get back to school for class. We all split up. Vickie had Trigonometry, Stacia had U.S. History, and I had biology. I fucking hate biology it's boring besides dissecting frogs and shit.

As I walked into the biology lab I saw something that shocked me. A black lady in a lab coat. When she saw me looking her eyes lit up. She mouthed to me 'meet me after class, girlie.' 'Yes ma'am' I mouthed then took a seat. "Okay class. Today starts a 3 week partner project. Okay so when I call your partner go sit with them."

Before the teacher, Ms.Greene, could start calling partners he walked in. He walked In a fresh forming purple bruise under his left eye and a busted lip. I snickered and he looked straight at me. Shit. I averted my eyes to Ms.Greene.

"Luca take a seat. Anyway as I was saying, partners are: White,Lloyd;Hender,Johnson,....and last but not least Linden and...henry. I'm Linder so who is Henry. Everyone was whispering and I looked up to see... Luca. SHIT!

"Heyy...partner." I said nervously. He just glared at me and sat down. As he sat down his hand touched mine and he immediately jerked it away. "Asshole." I muttered. "What did you say,blackie?" "Nothing, Gaylord."

Lord give me strength not to kill his racist sexy ass.

~after class~

Well 3 weeks with a racist should be fun. We have to make a sculpture of the circulatory system which is going to be awesome because I love sculpting. But I have to do it with...Luca.

"Ms.Linden?" "Yes, Ms.Greene." "I am so excited to have one black student in my class because these children are so close minded and I am here if you need anyway to talk to,baby." "Thank you." I said while giving her a hug. "I got to go. To my next class though so i'll see you later." "Okay,baby." She said in her southern accent

Next class: Literature

Luckily I have that class with my two besties.

When I got to literature the old lady teacher smiled at me. It was a genuine smile. I went to take a seat with my girls. "Whose that nice lady?" I asked curiously. "Oh that's Ms.Gretta she isn't a close minded racist. Her husband is mexican." "Cool." I said. "Okay class today we are starting our unit on Shakespeare. Does anyone know the two types genres Shakespeare's play were written in?"

I raised my hand. "How would blackie know I thought they only watched Madea and Maury?" It came from a boy who looked like a Cheeto. Diss mode on! "Yes I know. It is comedy or tragedy. And I don't like Maury because it is to many stereotypes of young women and men just like me stereotyping you of being a jersey shore wanna be because you look like a Cheeto! Oh wait do you hear that? It's Willy Wonka calling all his Ompa loompas. You should report for duty."

His cheeks turned bright red as the whole class laughed. Even the teacher laughed. I slid back and my seat and smirked and high fived my girls. "Yes. Ms.Linden you are correct. A group of three will reenact a scene either from a comedy or tragedy. And they will reenact it in class in 1 week. Get in!"

Me and the girls pushed our desk together. "Hey you guys want to spend the night over my house?" I asked. "Yeah!" They said. "Okay come around 6. We can just chill since we did our home work since we're geniuses and we can just do what ever." "Awesome!" They said. They crack me up!

~end of the day~

School is over I think today went really well now I just have to get the food and stuff ready for me, stacia,and Vickie's sleep over and we will be all alone since my mom is working all night and Annie is at a friends sleepover. Tonight we gonna turn up!

Took a minute to write but the rash is the best part of this chapter to me! Bye comment/vote/subscribe! 

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