Hey gu-Are you lost?

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~chapter 2~

P.O.V. Naveen

Today my mom, little sister, Annalise, and I are moving to this super white town in Georgia.

Most kids would be like 'why do we have to move?' Or 'you're ruining my life!' Or or the most famous one 'What about my friends?'

I never once said any of that because my life wasn't that great and was already ruined since my dad is a cheating bastard and I was bullied so I didn't have friends. I mean the other bullied kids didn't even want to hang with me.

But this new move is a new start. A new start I will happily embrace. We got to Apple Wood, Georgia(made up) on Sunday night so my mom says I have to go to school and she'll finish unpacking. New school. Hopefully I'll be liked there.

Today is the day. I turn on my iPod and blast 'WOP' by J Dash on and started dancing my way out of my clothes and into the shower and washed my hair with a shampoo that smells like peaches and cream. I LOVE PEACHES AND CREAM!

After I had taken my shower and washed my hair I got on some boy shorts and a bra and then began to flat iron my hair. It took a minute because black girl hair can be a trip! But it was all worth it for a first impression.

I took a quick glance at my mid back length hair and them walked In to my closet. Yes I have a walk in closet because I'm a pimp! I picked out a white crop top with 'imperfect' on it written in Aqua, some khaki skinnie cargos and some aqua converses.

Yes! I was on my bad bitch flow! I checked my hair and outfit, threw on some lipstick and mascara, grabbed my iPhone 5 and headphones then ran downstairs.

"Hey mommy." "Hey honey are you excited to be going to a new school." "Yes! No bullshit to go through...it's perfect." "Watch your fucking mouth!" Yeah my mom was those black moms who can be very business but then go hood instantly. It was pretty funny.

"Ma, I gotta go and I don't wanna be late so ima see you later. Bye." "Wait, Veenie." "Yes?" "How do you plan on getting there?" I never really thought of that. I was really stuck in my thoughts until my mom placed a key in my hand.

"Oh! My god ma,thank you! But I really gotta go!" As I said that I ran excitedly down the stairs to my Audi A8 while trying to hold on to my backpack . I open the door and that new interior leather smell just hits me in the face. Ahhh. I hop in and start my new life.
~at school~

This school, Lynchburg (made up) High, is FUCKING huge. As I entered the parking lot I received tons of stares and It felt good. I turned off the car, grabbed my bag and phone, got out and strutted my stuff like I was Tyra Banks!

Girls were giving me glares and guys had these weird looks in their eyes but it's whatever. I walk down the hall to the main office and grab my schedule and locker number. Today is my day!

After I had gone to main office, I walked to my locker. #56. My lucky number. I guess I was late because no one was in the hallway. I quickly ran to my class, Math, which I'm good at, and entered.

The teacher gave me a 'wtf are you? look' "Hey gu-" "Are you lost?" Said the teacher rudely. "No I'm the new student Naveen Linden." I said annoyed.

"Oh right. Well introduce yourself." I was gonna you dick then you interrupted me. "Okay...I'm Naveen. You can call me Navi though. I like to read and sing. I ha-"

"Why are you here? And why are you trying to pull off that weave because it is too long for a black girl." Said this one girl.

I smiled. Diss mode on! "I'm here because my mom the head plastic surgeon of this towns hospital can afford for me to come here just like you and your mom can afford to go to her and get boobs that are bigger than your brain implanted. Oh and my hair is real and even if it wasn't my hair would still look better than those probably three month old extensions in your head. Okay cupcake!"

After I said that she shut the hell up and she did it quickly. I chuckled in my brain than sat down in a random seat. Some pretty Asian girl tapped my shoulder. "Yeah?" I asked. "Luca sits there you should move." "Luca can find another damn seat." As I said that she laughed and I laughed with her.

As we were going over a problem in walks this hottie with one hell of a body. He looks at me with some face of...disgust and then looks down at the desk. Oh so this is Luca. I smirk. He walks over to me and flips my desk and chair over. Everyone laughs except the Asian girl named Vickie and a white girl with black hair who looked emo.

They helped me and brushed me off. "Hey ass wipe, your mom didn't teach you manners?" "She taught me manners, just not to your kind." I was shocked at what he said. 'My kind' oh hell no. I grabbed him by his shirt and stood him up. We were sorta matching but besides the point I eyed him. Then I went full ham on his ass.

He got punched in the face twice, the gut twice, and a roundhouse kick to the jaw. Yeah I took self defense classes. After I was done I took back my seat and smiled. "Is the baby okay." "Bitch." "Try better than that baby doll." Vickie and the Emo girl looked at me like I was crazy.

Well maybe the hell I was but I got the seat I wanted. I looked at both of them and the mouthed 'wanna go out to get food at lunch?' 'Sure' was all they could say. Oh today was going to be an interesting day and an even more interesting school year.

------------------------------------------Hey guys did you like this? Tell me your input or message me! Comment/vote/subscribe and follow me okay guys I'm out :*

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