Aaron was the first to move as he gently shook Delena awake.
'Come on,' he said. 'I'm not sure how much time we have left and we need to take care of your magic.'
'Do we have to?' Delena groaned.
Aaron chucked. 'Yes Cherry, we do. Wouldn't want you to be involved in any "accidents" now would we.'
Delena groaned again but moved anyway. She stood up from Aaron's lap and waited for him to stand next to her. She took his hand and they began to walk through the forest.

They walked across the meadow and down the natural path through the trees. They leisurely strolled passed under the swaying branches and hoped over fallen logs; zigzagging down the path between glittering rocks and walked over a bridge of smooth stone. They continued to walk down the path until they reached a small gap between the trees opening up to a perfectly round lake. They stopped at the edge and, with palms over their hearts, bent over into a low bow in greeting.

The water began to move, gathering in the centre, rippling and swirling upwards, until it formed the shape of a woman. They now stood before Coventina, guardian of Ayldvari and Lady of Lake Azra.

Both Delena and Aaron stayed in the low bow until they heard the melodic voice of Coventina telling them to rise.
'Why do you insist on submitting yourself to me when I ask that you don't?'
'Our apologies Lady, but it seems appropriate when we have come with a favour to ask,' Delena answered.
Aaron once again placed his palm over his heart, and bowed his head. 'We ask that you allow us to use your lake.'
'I see.'

Coventina glided across the water until she stood at the edge in front of Delena. She then placed her hand on top of Delena's head and rand it through her hair and down the side of her face until it rested on her cheek. Delena leaned in to the touch and savoured the cool power coming through her skin.
'You've been through a lot haven't you?' Coventina said. She pulled away from the two of them and returned to the centre of the lake. The water instantly lit up as a rune began to form - shimmering lines formed a circle at the middle surrounding the water nymph and branched out until it reached the edge of the lake.

Once the water stilled Coventina held out her hand in their direction, inviting them to come. Aaron took Delena's hand and, with a gentle squeeze, they both stepped forward. The shimmering lines glowed bright underneath their feet as they passed each branch until the whole rune glowed an almost white once they reached the centre.
'There is no need to ask for you are considered as Children of Ayldvari and may therefore do as you wish.' Coventina said. Both Aaron and Delena smiled at her in gratitude and bowed their heads as she returned to the water she came from. Aaron turned to Delena. 'You ready?' he asked.
Delena smiled and nodded. 'I'm ready.'

Aaron took Delena's hands in his and began to chant. The rune around them glowed brighter and brighter the more he chanted and then began to shift. Delena didn't take her eyes off of Aaron as the branches of the rune began to recede back to the middle. She looked straight into his eyes as they began to creep up her right leg and around her hip, across her stomach and up to her heart. She then closed her eyes as she felt the power of the lake infusing with her own and wrapping itself around her arm in a pattern of vines and swirls, and with every inch of her body that it covered, she could feel the struggle for control recede as her magic calmed.

Once she felt her power settle she opened her eyes to see the tranquil blue of the lake reflecting the pale light of the moon, and Aaron standing beside her as he waited for her to adjust. Once he saw her opened eyes he tugged at her hand and they both returned to land. They once again bowed to the Lake Azra in thanks and walked away.

It was quite a while later that the two reached Ygddariae - the Great Tree of Ayldvari and the Keeper of Souls. It was as marvellous in its beauty as it was in its size with the thick, white trunk covered in the Ancient language of the Divines; wide, sturdy branches spreading out across the night sky; and its shimmering curtain of leaves which provided protection from the influence of the living and the dead alike.

The leaves parted upon their arrival, creating a tunnel for them to walk through. They could feel the brush of the leaves as they walked passed, feel the warmth, hear the whispers, and sense the encouragement passed on from the old souls which sleep within Ygddariae.

Delena placed her hand on the bark of the tree and felt the gentle pulse of life. She pressed her forehead next to her hand followed by her other hand and closed her eyes. She could see the soft glow of the souls and could feel their gentle warmth as they surrounded her. It was the one place where she knew she could be herself, where she felt at peace, where felt lile herself regardless of the situation she would find herself in. It was home away from home.

With her eyes still closed and head pressed against the white bark, Delena released her magic. She used her senses to "watch" the glittering silver interact with the shimmering white of the Ygddariae. She could "see" the white sál strings winding around her left arm - the same arm which now contains Azra's mark - and binding itself to her magic, allowing it to settle further; and once it was done, the sál receded back into the tree and returned to rest.

Delena opened her eyes and leaned back into the waiting arms behind her. She rested her head on his shoulder, allowing him to pick her up and place her on his lap once he sat them down beside the Great Tree, and wrap his arms around her.

He took her left hand in his right as he examined the pale matkings which now adorned her skin.
'How are you feeling?'
'Better than I did for the past few months, that's for sure.' Delena answered. Aaron chuckled.

They stayed surrounded by the tranquillity until Aaron broke the silence.
'Do you think we should seal it?'
Delena kept her gaze on her markings as she considered his question.
'I know it may be uncomfortable for you,' Aaron said, 'but it will be easier to--'
'I know,' Delena interrupted. 'But if I do that, it would mean cutting off our connection.'
'It's not--'
'I know. But that doesn't make it--'
'Dela,' Aaron interrupted. 'I know it's hard but don't you think it would be better if you want to focus on finding me?'
Delena squeezed her eyes shut and buried her head in Aaron's neck.
'Ok,' she said. 'Do it.'
'Are you sure?'
Delena pressed her face harder against his neck but nodded. Aaron looked at her but took her marked hand in his anyway.
'I won't completely seal it,' he said.
Delena leaned away to look at him. 'What do you mean?'
'Honestly? I don't think I would be able to take it - losing out connection. And besides, it would put too much strain on you and would do more harm that good.'
Delena's body sagged in relief.

Aaron smiled and brought Delena's hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand, caressing the skin for longer than usual allowing his power to gather and seal hers, leaving a few holes in the cage to allow her to use it without and problems. Once he was done he branded the skin with his own mark as a key to the seal and lowered their hands.
'There,' he said. 'All done.'
Delena smiled at him, happy she was able to stay connected to him, and leaned against him. The both of them closed their eyes and relaxed amongst the magic of Ayldvari.

Neither of them noticed being surrounded by palm-sized pixies, nor did they notice being covered by a blanket of woven vines. They simply slept peacefully while being taken care of by the inhabitants of Ayldvari until the sky got lighter and both vanished from beneath the Soul Tree.

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So...what do you think??

You know, there's this one question that's been bugging me while I was writing this...

What do you think is the relationship between Aaron and Delena??

Be honest guys and remember that this is a fantasy story with many races (shifters, elves, magi, etc) so think carefully.
There is no right or wrong answer. If you guess right then you must be awesome at this, but if you guess wrong then it means I'm doing this right so don't be afraid and take a guess!!

Hope you enjoyed this and thanks to all of you who stayed with me so far and support me through your votes :)


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