Jade shivered as she headed towards her car, phone tightly in hand. She looked down at the phone's metallic surface before deciding she would call Leigh-Anne and Jesy. Jesy picked up the phone after a few seconds of being called, answering immediately, despite the time.

"Jade, why are you calling so early in the morning?" She groaned, readjusting herself beside Jake as she talked. Jade could hear the squeaks and groans of the springs as Jesy moved, and waited a few moments before answering.

"Perrie's in the hospital." Jade was still crying, and it was very easily heard by the cracks in her voice and the gasps for air in between words.

"What?! Why? Holy sh** where are you?" Jesy yelled and jumped from the bed, waking up Jake.

"I'm sitting in my car outside the hospital. Can I stay at yours for a while? I can't stand being at home when she's not with me."

"Of course, babe. I'd never turn down an offer to have Jadey with me." Jesy smiled as she talked, hoping to ease the tension that Jade was surely feeling.

"I needa call Leigh, so I'm gonna get off here, but I'll call back in a little bit. Love you Jesy."

"Love you too, babe. See you soon. I'll have a cuppa ready for you, alright? Talk to me about it over tea." Jesy made a silent promise, one that Jade heard loud and clear. She knew Jesy wouldn't interrupt her while she spoke or cease to listen. She knew she'd be able to talk. Jade hung up the phone and smiled sadly, the salty taste of her tears flooding her mouth. As soon as she knew the call had ended, she dialed Leigh-Anne.

"L-Leigh?" Jade sputtered quietly, begging her phone to wake Leigh-Anne up.

"Jade, you better have a good f**king reason to wake me up at three in the bloody morning or I swear I'll rip your eye sockets out." Leigh-Anne spoke rather calmly, scaring Jade.

"J-Jesus, Leigh-Anne. I have a serious problem. Like, I know you like your sleep but I'm on the verge of a bloody crisis!" Jade yelled, nearly infuriated but ultimately still crying.

Leigh woke up quickly after that, apologizing profusely for her behavior, thinking she made Jade cry. "Oh, oh no, Jade no. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to... No..."

"Leigh, you didn't make me cr-cry. I was already crying." Jade assured Leigh-Anne, smiling a bit when she heard her sigh out in relief.

"Why were you crying, then? Did Perrie break up with you? Do I need to punch a b**ch in the throat?" Leigh got a small laugh out of Jade, but not much of one. "On second thought, you'd be sobbing, not crying. Never mind. That never happened. Anyways, what's wrong?"

"Perrie's in the hospital, Leigh. I don't think she's going to leave the hospital either."

"Oh, no, babe. What happened?"

"She collapsed while she was doing the dishes. We were still up for whatever reason and she was washing the plates and just... Fell."

"Oh, man. I wish I could be there. Do you need a place to stay? I have room."

"I'm staying with Jes, sorry. I need to go, I'm knackered and I don't want to crash me car."

"I understand. Love you Jadey. I hope everything ends up alright."

"Love you too, Leigh."

Jade ended the call and sat her phone in the cup holder, backing out of her parking space. She drove towards Jesy's house, and was relieved to finally get some sleep.


A week later...

Jade let out a frustrated sigh, groaning as she harshly rammed her face into her pillow.

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