Chapter One

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Chapter One

My jaw ached, and the chewing gum was practically disintegrated in my mouth. I was sweating, my mousy brown hair scraped backinto a ponytail. The cup in my hands was wrecked, but I needed it there. I peeled the plastic down and knew I was going to wake up with cuts on my hands in the morning.

But right now, I didn't care.

My heart pounded in my chest and a sheen of sweat clung to my forehead. Arms in the air, I bounced up and down to the pop-punk classic that blasted from the speakers.

This was the life.

The girl in front of me, her jaw rattling, was trying to talk to me, but I couldn't hear her over the music. The East Wing of St. George's Academy was party central. It hadn't been occupied ever since the waters had burst three years ago, and so we were free to blast our music, drink, and abuse as many substances as we could get our hands on.

The current craze was ecstasy.

So euphoria coursed through my brain and I didn't plan on sitting down for a good few hours.

I looked for Ruby, and it took me a good few minutes to find her. She was kissing a guy on a couch in the corner, her face mostly hidden behind his mane of long hair. I was dying to know what he looked like. We always disagreed on our taste in men—I wanted to be able to tease her in the morning.

Someone had dragged my attention back to them, anyway, as they placed their hands on my hips to drag me into a dance. I stepped away, giving them a wide smile automatically, and heading for the bottles of water in the corner.

I might be buzzing from head-to-toe, but I wasn't so horny that I was going to let someone push their luck.

Putting down my ruined cup, I replaced it with a fresh bottle of water. Alcohol was flowing freely, but I preferred not to mix. I didn't need anything on top of this.

Barney sidled up to me and wrapped a tight arm around my shoulder. "Good?" He checked, hand massaging his own water bottle.

"Very." Barney was my best friend, along with Ruby. We'd gone all the way through school together. Barney was the one who'd introduced me to the drugs—he sold them, though I got mine at a very friendly discount. Ruby had always stayed clean.

I spoke mindlessly, but our conversation was interrupted midsentence by the door opening and the music being switched off. There were mumbles of protest, and I took a step forward.

I didn't recognise the party-pooper. He was gorgeous—I definitely would have if I'd seen him before. His black hair was sitting in his eyes, but he made no move to get rid of it. His full mouth was downturned, and sharp jaw was tight.

Maybe they were finally refurbishing the place and some of the builders were staying over—there was no other reason anyone should be here.

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms, hand squeezing and releasing my upper arm automatically. I wanted to bounce on my heels, but tried to stop myself. "Can I help you?"

His attention, and most of the room's, was turned to me. There were plenty of people who continued to talk without even paying attention to the man in the doorway, though. A roar of laughter came from one corner just as the man had opened his mouth to respond, as a group of guys watched something on their phone. I chuckled with them. They were completely out of it.

"You all need to go back to your rooms," he said, jaw grinding as his eyes scanned the room and took in the empty bottles of vodka, beer, and various other spirits. People were more careful with their drugs, though. "Right now."

I pouted, words coming to my mouth before I could stop them. My charisma was at its highest point—I just wanted to keep partying, and I was damned if a new janitor was going to stop that. "Just come and join the party. We're not disturbing anyone."

"You're disturbing me." His arms were folded, and I noticed how tight his shirt was. It was jet black, and he was wearing pyjama bottoms with it. A short giggle left my mouth. Partying in pyjamas would have been far more comfortable than the tight playsuit I'd chosen for the occasion. I'd have to arrange a pyjama party at some point.

"We won't be disturbing you if you're partying, too. Lighten up. It's a weekend."

It was probably Monday morning by now, but he didn't correct me. "I'll go and get the headmistress right now if you don't all agree to leave."

There were groans from around the room, and several muttered curses of complain. "Oh come on." This guy was young, he couldn't have been in his thirties yet. "We'll treat you nicely, just stay and relax a while. Our parties are fun, I promise." I couldn't stop my eyes wandering as I said it. The words held a flirty edge, staring at his biceps as I made the promise. I'd have been more than happy to treat him happily, despite my motto of staying away from boys at parties. I'm sure people would be more than happy to dance with you. You might even get lucky."

He eyed me for a long moment, his gaze turning darker. I liked to think it was arousal, rather than irritation. "I'm going to get Miss Vaughn."

"Hold your horses," I sighed, whistling for the rest of the people to pay attention. "Let's go home."

People had already started to move anyway. As long as the headmistress wasn't called while the party was still in action, almost everyone would get away scot-free. The room didn't have cameras to check. They would be anonymous faces at a party.

It was easier this way.

I now sorely regretted singling myself out.

I trailed behind, carrying a new bottle of water for myself. I stopped by the guy, and eyed him up and down one final time. "I'm very disappointed you turned out to be a spoil sport."

He stared into my eyes for just a second, and his forehead creased, probably taking in my dilated pupils.

They sure got a whole lot bigger when he peered at me like that.

"You're going to be even more disappointed when you're called into Miss Vaughn's office tomorrow. I'd refrain from having your parties right next to my bedroom, in future."

"Duly noted," I muttered, hesitating for one second. For some reason, I desperately wanted to know his name. He spoke with a deep timbre. It was almost without an accent—just a standard British drawl that couldn't have been described as posh or common. It was a welcome change.

But I resisted. I clung my bottle of water to my chest, and lamented the energy that still bounded through my body.

I wanted to dance, and chat, and party until the early hours, not go and sit in my bed wide awake.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice. Mr. Hot-and-Boring wasn't a fun of partying, which wasn't entirely unreasonable considering he was clearly employed in some context. Still, I'd thought maybe my confident self might have been able to sway him, for some deluded reason.

Tomorrow, I'd be living to regret that thought.


Exciting times, there's a new novel being started by me! There should be updates every other day. I hope this is enjoyable!

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