I wanted to be so happy that she finally wanted to see MY boy but something in me snapped and I had to get everything I wanted to say for the past 16 years off of my chest

Me: After 16 years this is all I get? He gets? You left us on our own! I gave up everything for MY baby boy and what did you do? You ran away from us! You went to go and live your dream while I was left to look after a baby at 17! So give me one good reason why I should let you see him?

I felt bad for not being all happy and allowing her back into Rhys's life but I can't risk him getting hurt

Mother of my boy: Please Luis! I'm begging you! I love our son with everything in me. I was stupid and inconsiderate of you and Rhys. But I promise that this time I will be there I want to see him! And if he meets me and then decides that he doesn't want me in his life then I'll leave him and you alone but please! At least try and get him to meet me. I want to see how's he's grown up to be. One chance that's all

I didn't reply after that. I went to talk to Rhys and you all know how that went. After Rhys walked to his room, which in the basement. I walked to his room and hear 'Welcome to the Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance blasting from his speakers. This is the song he plays whenever he's upset.

I slowly walk in and see him lying on his bed with his head in his pillow and I can hear him sniffling

"Bud what's wrong?" I ask as I sat on that bed next to him

"I don't know dad. I want to meet her but I don't want to get hurt" he cries

"I know bud but why not give her a chance, yeah? I know you can't trust her fully buy give her time. She really wants to be there for you and be involved in your life. All she wants is one chance and if you don't want to see her again then she'll understand and leave us alone, her words buddy. So it's completely up to you" I say as a rub his back

"Ok. I will. But if I do will you be there? I won't go unless you're with me and I don't just mean that by you coming that you're close to us I want you there by her and I" he turns over and faces me. I see his pale, tear stained face.

"If you want me there then yeah I'll be there for you" he nods his head at me and says

"Then yeah I'll meet her but as soon as I get uncomfortable then I'm leaving"

"I understand that and so does your mother-"he cuts me off

"You mean Lauren" he looks sadly at the floor

"Ok then if you want to leave then Lauren and I completely understand. We won't force you into staying or even leaving it's all up to you" I add

He just nods at me and I leave to tell Lauren. Once I reach the top of the stairs I get my phone out to text her

Me: He agreed to meet you but there are two conditions

Not long after I send the message she responds

Mother of my boy: REALLY?? HE'LL MEET ME???? Of course anything, I'll do anything

Me: Number one: I have to be there and Number two: the moment he gets uncomfortable he can leave. If you agree then he will meet you

I don't think she'd appreciate me being there but it's not her choice it's Rhys's

Mother of my boy: of course as soon as he wants to leave he can but do you have to be with us? Can't you be close to us? That way we can bond better

I knew it'd be weird but that's what Rhys wants

Me: No he wants me there by his side so that's where I am going to be. If you don't want me there then too bad because he does

Maybe I was a little harsh but she made her choice and now has to deal with the consequences

Mother of my boy: Ok. I'm sorry, you can be there right by his side. I just wanted to spend some time alone with my son. Is tomorrow ok?

Me: I understand just not yet. He won't call you 'mum' or 'mother' yet but in time he will. And as for 'your son' I don't think so. Tomorrow is fine, be at the park in Miami where we met and we'll all meet there at 2:00pm don't be late. If you make us wait longer than 10 minutes then we're going home and you can forget ever meeting him

I didn't have a reply after that but she better not be late or else she won't be his

Momma Jauregui


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