Faith | Hollypaw's Writing Contest Round One

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Hi guys! This is a contest for @Hollypaw's writing contest. Enjoy!

Round 1: Your character is currently in battle. You are surrounded by enemies (another Clan, mice, badgers, dogs, ect) and you are trying everything you can to save yourself. Out of nowhere, an apprentice from your Clan comes over to try and help you fight. What do you do? Save yourself and have the apprentice be killed, yowl in hopes of more Clanmates coming to your aid, or save the apprentice, and in turn, be killed yourself? Or will you do a combination of them?


A lithe gray she-cat slipped to the side, leaning on a tree for support. Her legs burned and one of her eyes was blurry from the blood that was no doubt dripping down her face. A large slash on her right side ached, and she was pretty sure one of her ears was torn. She panted harshly, taking her few moments from the battle with RiverClan to catch her breath.

"Tired already? I knew ThunderClan was weak, but I didn't think it was this bad!" An annoyingly familiar voice taunted her from behind. She whirled around, a snarl already escaping her lips.

"Don't you have some fish to choke on?" She asked. He flicked his ears arrogantly.

"Don't you have a kittypet somewhere to save?" He replied smugly. Willowsong lunged forward, knocking the brown tom off of his paws. Ripplefoot hissed angrily, swiping at her legs with unsheathed claws. He was a fierce opponent, and he made up for his small size the way she did- quick movements and fast slashing attacks.

She yowled with surprise as he picked himself off of the ground and tackled her. Her head slammed into the grassy floor and for a moment all she could see were stars. He brought her back to the battle with a flash of pain in her stomach. She looked down to see his claws buried in her unprotected belly.

"Yeah, I was right. Weak AND bad fighters! Man I'm surprised RiverClan hasn't already wo-whoa!" As Ripplefoot began to taunt her again, she slammed her forepaws into his face before slashing at his eyes.

"Fox-heart!" She hissed. He let out a loud yowl, something that had her pause in confusion. But as he did, she watched as three more Warriors broke off from the shadows and came to stand by his side. They were all RiverClan cats, and they all had their teeth bared in snarls.

"Who is the mouse-brain now?" He snickered. She tilted her head to the side, looking desperately at the cats nearest to her. The only one from her Clan who wasn't in a battle was a large golden tom with long whiskers aptly named Longwhisker. He was staring at her with undisguised contempt. She pleaded for his help with her eyes but he simply padded away.

She closed her eyes, giving up as Ripplefoot's claws came down towards her head. As they did, she heard a small battle cry and a little oomph of air getting knocked from someone's body.

"Come on Willowsong! We can get them!" A cheerful voice shouted in her ear. The gray she-cat looked up at her savior, and did a double-take. It was Applepaw, Longwhisker's apprentice! Willowsong was sure that the little ginger she-cat would hate her as much as Longwhisker apparently did. What was she doing here?

"Willowsong, lets go!" The apprentice yelled. But it was too late. Ripplefoot had picked himself up from the ground, and now the two of them were surrounded by RiverClan cats.

"I think I'll kill you for that." He snarled at Applepaw. Willowsong immediately stepped in front of her, but not before the cocky apprentice got her opinion out.

"Murder is against the Warrior Code!" She said. Willowsong flinched as he paused, then began a sick, choking laugh.

"Oh, but it was just an accident. It happened in the heat of the battle! I tried to save them, I really did." He cooed sickeningly. In that moment, Willowsong knew she had to make a choice. Clearly, this cat was out for blood. The rest of her Clan was busy. The chances of her and the apprentice surviving were slim, and as much as she wanted to be hopeful, the unsheathed, bloodied claws in front of her said otherwise.

As she stood, a sick little thought came to her mind. Why don't you just sacrifice Applepaw? She would be a great distraction to help you get away. Willowsong mentally shook her head, guilt welling up in her chest. Did she really just consider murdering an apprentice of her own Clan? Ripplefoot was clearly a bad influence. She would save any member of her Clan, even if it cost her life. Mind made up, she nudged Applepaw to get her attention.

"I'm going to distract them. I need you to go." She hissed.

As she said that, a paw flashed in front of her face. Everything was suddenly frantic, with claws and paws and blood flying everywhere. She felt a bite on her leg, then a slash on her already injured side, then a set of claws burying themselves in her chest. To her side, she heard a loud yowl. Willowsong twisted around to see Ripplefoot bearing down on Applepaw.

Without a second thought Willowsong leaped forward, knocking Ripplefoot off of his feet for the second time that night. The fresh young tom found it even easier this time around to flip her off of her paws, but instead of clawing her stomach, this time he stood on her neck.

His paws dug heartlessly into her, and she began choking as she couldn't breathe. Her struggles became weaker and weaker, blood barely flowing from her wounds. Her throat was burning for air. Her vision narrowed before becoming spotted, then black.

As the last bit of air left her lungs, she heard a loud cry of anguish, and suddenly the weight left her throat. She tried desperately to choke in air, throat sore and breaths bloody.

"Hey, slowly, breathe in and out. Someone get a medicine cat here!" A voice above her called. Willowsong inhaled slower, and her vision came back in time for her to see a golden blur pass her prone form. Ripplefoot had been pulled off her body and was pinned to the ground by a familiar, large form.

"How dare you try to hurt my apprentice! How DARE you try to kill my Clanmates!" Longwhisker snarled at the cowering tom. Ripplefoot tried to snarl with intimidation, but he only looked pitiful as Longwhisker's huge paw hit him on the head, bringing him to unconsciousness. "Fox-heart." Longwhisker muttered to his body.

Willowsong tried turning her head to see who was next to her, but the slightest movement made her bleed and her body burn. The cat next to her clucked her tongue and continued cleaning the wounds on her body for treatment. She was forced to simply watch as the golden tom turned and darted towards her.

"Are you alright?" He growled gruffly. Her ears twitched. She wasn't mouse-brained enough to try speaking with her injured throat.

"Longwhisker, I saved her just like you said to! Did you see me?" Applepaw came bounding out of nowhere and nuzzled her mentor. Willowsong watched with unbridled shock as he licked her head, wrapping a tail around her proudly.

"Yes you did. But remember next time to not let the enemy corner you like that. You could have been seriously hurt." He turned his attentions back to Willowsong, who could feel her vision fading from exhaustion.

"Thank you." He murmured simply. She responded with a simple wink.

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