TigerShadow24_SC's Contest Round One

174 8 11

Prompt: Rewrite Hollyleaf's scene of killing Ashfur to finding Fallen Leaves. Twists are acceptable.

The black she-cat shoved her way through the brambles, panting, lungs and legs overexerted from her attempts to run from her deed and the thoughts that tormented her mind. Thorns were tugging at her pelt, leaves and dirt matting her fur.

I need to get away from the body. I left it in the stream, gave plenty of evidence for a drowning, an accident, and now all I need to do is pretend I know nothing about this.

Even just the thought made her pause and heave. Hollyleaf stood still for a moment, head hanging low. All she could see were Ashfur's surprised, terrified eyes hear his gurgling long after her teeth had been removed from his throat. She could still taste his blood; feel his gray fur between her teeth. It sent a shiver down her spine, and she rubbed her muzzle on the grass in an attempt to wash it away.

I just need to find a piece of prey, the excuse, the reason I was not at the gathering. No Firestar, I haven't seen Ashfur all night. I was hunting because I wanted to improve my skills. Innocent lying, that's what I need to do.

Hollyleaf heaved again before struggling to her feet and pawing her way again down the path.

I did it for us! I did it for them!

Hollyleaf shuddered again.

He planned on revealing our secret. I could not let him ruin my family. We're fragile enough as it is because of me. I want to finally help us be the cats we need to be for this prophecy. Ashfur was interfering with that. He needed to go.

The black she-cat stopped again and pawed at the ground. She had to do it. Dirty as the deed was, she needed to keep her family safe.

Then why did it hurt so much?

She took a few minutes to calm herself as she neared the camp. She found a river, and ignoring the cold, dived into it and furiously scrubbed her face and paws, quickly grooming her fur into its usual, neat flat state. She tracked down a sparrow and mouse in quick succession, and by the time she crossed the thorn barrier she felt calm, collected, and ready.

I did no wrong. There is nothing to accuse me of.

Hollyleaf squared her shoulders, lifting her head to innocently carry her prey off of the ground.

Nothing wrong, just hunting.... I did it for the betterment of my Clan...

When she walked into the camp, she went through the typical motions before her sleeptime. She put the prey on the pile, visited the kits to see their little sleeping forms, spoke briefly with the elders, and strode over to the warriors den.

The black she-cat saw her gray sibling emerge from the medicine cats den. Though he could not see, his eyes seemed to be boring down into her, silently judging her for her actions. Hollyleaf disappeared from his view and curled in her nest.

The next day she wandered, outwardly appearing awake, nonchalant, and normal. On the inside she felt haggard, empty, and determined, driven only by one purpose.

She was just curling up in front of the warriors den for a quick nap in the sun when the cry was raised in the camp.

"Ashfur is dead! Ashfur is dead!" As the Clan gasped in unison, Hollyleaf closed her eyes, imagining the scene once more.

She reopened them in time to see the body being carried into camp. It was damp, soaked through from the river water, and she breathed a sigh of relief at her crime being hidden. From where she was, it looked like the body had been simply drowned.

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