LeafpoolM's Contest Round Four

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This was the last entry of LeafpoolM's contest. I won on this entry. Yay!

Prompt: Have your OC experience forbidden love.

"So then I leapt on its shoulders and sank my teeth into its neck to distract it from eating Acornfall, and when it tried to throw me off I used the claw strike move on its eyes, which I guess was the last straw for it because it howled, swiped me off of its back, and ran towards RockClan's territory. It's their problem now." Mistleap said.

Blazestorm nodded absently to her friend, mind locked on something else. Her eyes strayed across the clearing and locked on the gray tabby medicine cat apprentice, Finchfur, who was sorting through a yellow leaved herb outside of the medicine cat den.

Mistleap paused in her rambling at Blazestorm's lack of enthusiasm. She followed Blazestorm's line of sight and sighed when she saw who had her friend's attention.

"Blazestorm, this is the fifth time today that I've caught you staring at Finchfur! When are you going to listen to me and remember that he's unavailable? It is rather cruel, though. Such an attractive tom and not one of us can actually have him."

Blazestorm agreed wholeheartedly with that sentiment. The medicine cat apprentice had caught her eye while she herself was still an apprentice, stuck in the medicine cat den after doing something mouse brained. He had gently seated her on a bed of moss and carefully attended to her paw, all the while lecturing her about how silly she had been and how she needed to take more care of herself. She was in awe, blushing and stuttering the entire time as he fixed her wounds. In the end she could barely squeak out a goodbye and thank you when their eyes locked and she saw the warm emotions within.

"I don't intend on doing anything about it, Mistleap. I know full well how off-limits he is." Blazestorm grumbled. Mistleap flicked her nose with her tail.

"I hope you stick to that. I know how impulsive that you can be, especially when you let your emotions take over. Don't give me that look." She added when Blazestorm glared. "You know it's the truth."

Blazestorm snorted at her. At that moment, Birchfang beckoned to Mistleap from the camp entrance.

"Oh, I have to join that hunting patrol! I forgot. See you later, Blazestorm." Mistleap jumped to her paws and darted across the camp, tail weaving with Birchfangs. Blazestorm sighed as she watched her go.

"What's this? A Warrior lounging around camp with nothing to do? I think I recall a young apprentice that looked just like you who had a never ending list of excuses to get out of the camp. What happened to her?" Deerleap, Blazestorm's mentor said from behind her. Blazestorm turned around, purring loudly.

"It's hopeless, Deerleap. I've become a lazy good-for-nothing who leeches off the Clan. You'll have to throw me out to become a rogue lest I eat us out of our territory." Blazestorm said. Deerleaps eyes twinkled.

"No, nothing that drastic. I'll just have to assign you chores like an unruly apprentice." He intoned, head bowed in mock shame.

"No! Perish the thought! Not apprentice duties! I'll do anything. I'll go with you to the training hollow and practice battle moves. Anything else but apprentice duties." Blazestorm cried out. An apprentice walking near her shot her a dirty look at her comments, and set Deerleap off laughing.

"Are any of you free? I need some cat to escort Finchfur to the LakeClan border to collect some herbs." Whitecrest, the medicine cat, interrupted.

"Blazestorm isn't doing anything for the foreseeable future. She'd love to help Finchfur." Deerleap said. Blazestorm glared at him even as her heart leaped. Alone time with Finchfur? It was sure to be disastrous. But she had no excuse to avoid him, and soon she found herself walking beside the gray tom outside of the camp.

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