Chapter 34: Sober Drunks

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"Rey?" Finn's voice was soft and quiet, nuzzling against her shoulder in the darkness. The young woman faced away from him, her body curled in around a body-length pillow that she had bought a few days prior. On the bed a few feet away Poe slept sprawled out, finally free of his cast and snoring quietly. Finn sighed at her lack of responsiveness and expertly swung his legs off of the air mattress and got up in one swift movement that didn't send her rolling onto his side of the bed. His mind was racing at three in the morning and it was keeping from getting back to sleep. The past few days had been weird, Poe and Rey avoiding eye contact, Poe giving a look to him that made it seem like he had something to say but chose not to say it. Most of all he was starting to miss the supportive mattress that he got to sleep on when they all curled up together. It wasn't his favourite part but it was definitely his back's favourite.

Eyes fuzzy and mind bleary he padded barefoot out into the living room and around the corner to the kitchen where he fumbled for the lightswitch so he could start a pot of coffee. Standing there, leaning on the counter in just his shorts, he remembered that despite the weather warming up it was still ice cold in the apartment at night.

"Oh.. coffee.. Right.." He mumbled to himself and went through the nearly mechanical actions of making a pot of coffee before picking up his phone and looking through a news page. What have I become, drinking coffee and reading the papers, Finn, you're acting like a middle aged business man. He switched away from the news and put the phone back down, seeing the tail end of a headline that caught his eye but he ignored it at the sound of the coffee maker beeping quietly.

"I smell coffee..." A groggy voice mumbled before yawning as it turned the corner and rubbed its eyes. Poe stood there with sweatpants on and a soft throw blanket pulled around his bare shoulders. Finn chuckled at his disheveled hair and knowingly got another mug out, filling both and handing one to his friend.

"The coffee wake you up or something else?" Finn inquired and looked at Poe who was drawing the mug of steaming hot coffee up to his lips and drinking it scalding and black without so much as a flinch. He always wondered how he managed that when he himself poured in the sugar and creamer and waited for it to cool down. "Maybe you should try iced coffee" no, Jess... Finn took out a spoon and stirred his coffee, the metal clinking quietly against the ceramic.

"I was having a hard time sleeping in general." Poe sighed and held his coffee at chest level. Finn rested back against the cupboards and took a sip of his own late-night/ early early morning, beverage. Perfect.

"Didn't look like you were having a hard time sleeping." He said teasingly and watched the corner of Poe's mouth flick up with a sleepy smirk.

"Don't let my sprawled out sleeping fool you. When I'm sleeping well I'm as still as a stone." He shuffled awkwardly towards Finn and sat down on a barstool right across from him. They were quiet for a while, drinking their coffee and watching as BB half stretched, half walked into the room and rubbed against the corner of the cabinets. Both men smiled down at her and chuckled as she mewed at them in protest, contradicting herself in not wanting attention (secretly loving it).

"Are you coming to work at the Bureau soon? Pavas been badgering me about it." Finn sighed and took another long draw of his coffee. Poe furrowed his brow and set his coffee mug down on the counter.

"I think.. Soon enough.. Maybe... I don't know. I'm still asleep I think.. I'm heading back to bed." He stood up, shuffling forward sleepily.

"Poe wh-" he was cut off by Poe's sleepy lips against his, soft and chaste and tasting of coffee, before the man broke it and shuffled back into the bedroom, leaving Finn confused and dazed and frozen in place. BB mewed at him and brought him out of his shocked state. Did he just. No.. did he. Oh my god he did. He gently put his mug down right next to Poe's and licked his bottom lip, remembering the feeling and in his still hazy mind not really grasping what had just happened completely. Maybe I like coffee black. He stared at the two half full mugs and furrowed his brow. I'm going to have to tell Rey.

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