Chapter 25: Answers

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As they piled into the building they were met by darkness, flashlights being turned on for better visuals. Rey and Finn went running up the stairs in search of Kylo Ren. Finn was dead set on settling this himself, and Rey was unwaveringly decided on following him wherever he went. Below them they heard a few shots of gunfire and both of them ducked instinctively.

"Rey do you know where he might be?" Finn whispered as they shuffled down the hall in the dark, never having been given a flashlight. Rey held her staff at the ready and Finn kept his gun pointed to the floor, safety off. Down the long corridor they heard the quiet footsteps of somebody wearing very clicky dress shoes. Both of them went quiet, watching as fluorescent lights started to flicker on starting at the far end and quickly making their way towards him. Shit.

"Yeah but this is the only way I know of and our cover has just been blown." she whispered over his shoulder right into his ear from her spot. He stood in front of her protectively, slightly annoying her since she felt she was perfectly capable of defending herself with the weapon she had. Finn took a deep breath and looked down the hallway, light nearly reaching them, and saw the red hair of a man turning the corner and away from them.

"Whoever it was left I think. We can continue going this way for now." both of them crept forward, Rey completely so silent on her feet that sometimes he had to check to make sure she was still there. When they reached the point where the man had turned they stopped and very carefully peeked around the corner. The man jumped out at them, gun at the ready, and almost shot, being stopped only by a hard hit to the head by Rey's staff. He fell to the floor, stunned and close to being knocked out. Finn looked at his girlfriend with wide eyes, impressed and slightly bewildered, before looking at the man on the ground. Rey kicked his gun to the side, out of his reach and then hovered above him. Okay that's... well then. Now I feel the need to be terrified by my girlfriend.

"You still conscious?" she spat, nudging him in the side with her foot. The man winced and grunted, nodding and reaching up to hold the side of his head that was starting to swell from the hard knock against his skull. "Good. We have a job for you. Tell us how to get to Kylo Ren. And then my boyfriend here won't shoot you." Finn looked at her with wide eyes, his heart jumping. He didn't want to shoot anybody but after the look she flashed him he understood. Hardening his face he pointed the gun at the man's head, keeping his fingers off the trigger. A bluff. The man on the ground recognized her from Kylo's description.

"A-are are you- you Rey?" he grunted out and tried to keep his eyes open. Rey looked down at him and smirked, nodding. "Kylo-"

"Don't try to talk me out of this. I'm guessing you're his little favourite so tell me where. He. Is." she nodded at Finn again to turn the man's attention to him. The fear in the man's eyes was so real that it struck a cord in the young man.

"Rey I don't think you need to-"

"You want to kick the bastard's ass or not, Finn. You aren't the only one who wants to smash his skull in." the man on the ground coughed and rolled onto his side.

"You two are so young.. just run... he's powerful. Even I would admit that."

"He's a whining toddler with the body of a man he isn't powerful."

"Man just tell her where he is neither of us want her to get angrier." Finn sighed and the man looked at him with a look that could only be described as a pained 'you're right, man'.

"Tenth floor..." he winced and started to sit up. Rey went over and picked up the man's gun, unloading it and only taking the cartridge. After that she hurried down the hall towards a set of stairs, Finn's feet pounding on the ground behind her. Surely the man would attempt to get men upstairs before they did. They were only three flights up when they heard Han's voice speaking in the darkness of a cavernous, empty office space. Both of them stopped and stood in silence. Behind them they heard footsteps, turning only to see Chewy joining in them in their spot to spectate. In the darkness they could make out the figures of two men, one a little taller than the other and Rey would know that disgusting stance anywhere. Kylo Ren.

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