Chapter 12: Butterflies Don't Lie

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Finn woke up to an empty room, Rey's stuff gone and when he looked at the clock it only read seven A.M. He ran his hands over his face and sighed, worry coursing through his tired body as he got up and went to get in the shower. The bathroom counter had a few bottles of soap and shampoo that they had stocked up on, their toothbrushes and Rey's broken comb on it. He rested his palms on the edge of the cold marble and looked into the mirror. Something about it just felt wrong, his shoulders weary and bags under his eyes from the minimal sleep he got that night. He turned to the shower to switch on the water, letting it heat up whilst he wet his face and started to shave away the light stubble from his chin. Before long the room filled with steam and he rinsed his face with the hot water that came pouring down from the shower head. His mind rarely veered from thoughts of Rey.

Outside of the bathroom he heard the room door click open and then fall shut, the familiar, heavy thud of Rey's bag hitting the floor. She was so quiet that he didn't hear her footsteps on the soft carpet of the bedroom but he did hear them as her canvas tennis shoes slapped against the linoleum floor. Finn was startled as she pulled the shower curtain to the side and looked him straight in the face, gaze not wavering even slightly.

"We need to talk." she said flatly before throwing the curtain back and leaving the room. The young, naked man stood there in shock and then finished rinsing off, hopping out to dry and then hurry out into the room.

"Where were you this morning?" he inquired but she sat down on the edge of the bed, arms crossed and her face hard. Rey struggled to keep her eyes off of his chest.

"What were you and Poe talking about last night? And what-" she went over to the side of the bed and reached under the mattress, pulling out the handgun and throwing it onto the bed, "Is this? Did you really expect me not to notice a hard, metal weapon under me as I tried to sleep?" Finn sighed and ran his hand over his hair, sitting down in the armchair and resting his elbows on his thighs.

"Listen, Rey I-"

"Don't 'listen, Rey" me. What the hell do you have this for??? I know it isn't mine!!!" Finn could feel himself starting to get angry, the woman in front of him staring him down with an equal rage.

"If you would let me SPEAK I could TELL YOU!" he grumbled, only raising his voice slightly. He wasn't even angry at her, he was angry with himself and especially angry with Poe. It hadn't even been twenty-four hours and she had found the gun and was asking for answers. Both of them should have known that she was far too smart for them to hide something from. Rey sat down on the edge of the bed across from him, green eyes fiery and looking for answers immediately.


"You want the whole truth?"


"Long or short version?"

"Short for now so I don't waste my time with you if you're being an absolute IDIOT." Finn looked down and felt guilt pang deep in his gut.

"Poe and I are working with the police, well, the feds- god he's going to kill me for telling you this- We're working on bringing down the crime ring that both of our former gangs were involved with. We're supposed to be informers." he didn't look up at her, too afraid of what her face would tell him. Finn was afraid that she would walk out and leave, letting him sit there and rot, letting him sit and think about how stupid he was for doing it because it could get him killed. But that's not what happened. Instead, he heard Rey pull in a soft breath and her hand reached out for his.

"I thought you were going to say you were working on a hit job..." she chuckled and squeezed his hand, "you're a good guy though... I don't know why I was angry." Finn finally looked up at her.

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