Chapter 21: Honesty

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Han and poe stood in the kitchen of the small apartment, beers in hand but talking seriously.

"Han she's shaken up, nervous. She didn't get up for work today." Poe almost didn't feel like drinking beer, his stomach too twisted but he took a sip anyway.

"Anyone would e..." Han felt so ashamed as if what had happened to her were his fault. It was my son who did this... her... oh god... he braced himself against the counter and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just... I knew he would be a twisted fucker but..." Poe was getting better at reading the old man and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault, Han. Kylo-"

"His name is Ben, damn it, that is such a stupid name it isn't even intimidating!"

"Ben made his own decision- the wrong and extremely twisted decision- but what he did has no bearing on you."

"I'm no saint, Poe." the old man huffed and walked out of the kitchen, peering around the corner and into the bedroom. Amy was at work with Jessika keeping guard butRey still slept quietly. Finn was curled up next to her, arms wrapped around her protectively and his eyes were open, keeping watch. Han felt a pain spreading through him, the pain of being torn in two. He wanted to redeem his son but simultaneously wanted to crush him, punish him for doing what he did to Rey.

"Han?" Poe questioned, noticing the man had zoned out. Han looked up and sighed.

"That girl is more my kid than my own son..."
"What do you mean?"

"I've watched over her since- since..." Poe furrowed his brow and looked into the room too.

"Since what, Han?"

"Since... her... father disappeared..." he admitted quietly and walked away from the doorway, sitting down and burying his face in his hands. Poe didn't know how to react, his head spinning and mind freezing simultaneously. How much does he actually know???

"You know Rey's father?" han nodded and sighed, looking solemnly out the window. "Who is it?" they were completely silent for what felt like an eternity to both of them. Finally, Han broke the silence.

"Luke Skywalker."


Rey slowly started to stir, yawning and stretching and snuggling in closer to the warmth Finn provided. The clock read five till one.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty.." Finn whispered.

"Sleeping what??" she muttered back sleepily and Finn kissed the top of her head softly.

"Nevermind... how do you feel?" Rey yawned again and opened her eyes, keeping them down though. The past 48 hours flashed in front of her and she found herself tearing up.

"Not good..." she admitted. Finn held her close, wanting to take the pain away. She cried very quietly, Finn only knowing because of the way her shoulders twitched gently.

"It's okay to cry," he reassured her, "I just wish it didn't have to be so soon after waking up..." they were quiet for a long time, Finn listening to the quiet conversation going on in the next room. He was pulled back to his own situation by the feeling of Rey's hand cupping his cheek. He looked at her warmly, blushing under her touch.

"I need to forget something..." she whispered and accidentally let her eyes flicker down to his lips.

"What do you need to forget?"

"Well... more... remember something." she said quietly.

"What do you need to remember?" he inquired softly with a small smile on his lips. Silently she leaned in to kiss him, pressing her lips to his tenderly and lingering. Finn's head spun, heart racing and his world slowed down a little all in the same moment. He allowed his hands to bury themselves in her hair and press into it. Rey's hand slid from his cheek and down onto his chest before she gently pulled back and looked down. Her cheeks were covered in a light dusting of pink along with the stains from tears that still lingered there. Finn found himself unable to speak, surprised since he always had something to had.. but there were no words.

"I'm going to need you to do that a lot..." she whispered, eyes down, looking at her own hand on his chest and feeling the beat of his heart under her fingertips. Finn took a deep breath and gently ran his thumb over her cheek.

"I won't mind doing that at all..." he whispered and tilted her head back up. Rey looked at him with conflicted eyes. She was afraid of what a man could do to her, afraid of where his hands could go yet when she was next to Finn, warm and gentle and caring, there was no fear. The only thing she feared was her memory. Rey thought back to what had happened, the images fresh in her mind and what he had done.. it hurt... is that supposed to hurt? She felt herself start to shiver a little, body reacting to her brain in a way she didn't want to show. I'm weak... why am I so weak.. she closed her eyes tight and felt Finn pull her in close and press his lips to her forehead comfortingly. I WANTED YOU TO BE MY FIRST!!! It rang through her head over and over and over like a chant, she was angry at Kylo Ren for what he had taken from her and in turn taken from Finn and had taken from both of them and she didn't know why she had wanted to give that to Finn but she learned that she had and it was pounding behind her eyes.

"I wanted you to be my first..."



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